Leather Furniture – Types of Leather Used

Leather furniture is among the most elegant yet also most expensive type of furniture. Though there are leather grades which are not that expensive, real and natural leather is really expensive. Before getting one for you at home or the office, you might want to know each type of leather available. This is how you will know what types are expensive and what are more affordable. It would be a mistake to buy this furniture with leather when you don’t even know the basic things about it.

Leather is available in four different grades – top grain, full grain, split grain and bonded leather. It is important that before you go hunting for your leather chair, you have to be able to identify what type of leather a piece if furniture is using. This is how you can justify whether the price of that furniture is justifiable or not. You might get deceived by smooth talking salesmen if you don’t watch the furniture carefully. Buying leather furniture will cost you money and you would not want that to be wasted. Knowing what each leather grade is can be your best shot towards having a good furniture hunting experience.

Different Grades of Leather
Animal skin is the source of leather, though it still needs to be processed before being used on furniture. Animal hide is the basic form of leather but it is not of the best quality as yet because high quality leather is soft.

– Top grain is highly durable and does not get easily worn out. This has good quality leather with average price. This is easily recognisable with its even colours especially when it is dyed for a leather sofa, which is preferred by many home furniture buyers.

– Full grain is high end leather with better quality than top grain. This can be noticed for its uneven colours, probably because this is the cow hide from the part where the animal has scratches or layers of fat. It has a soft texture when you touch it. Among all the leather grades, this is the highest grade. Even if it is so, full grain leather ages with sunlight exposure and changing climates.

– Split grain leather is also called genuine leather. This is made out of pieces of leather that are combined to make a much stronger material. This is cheaper than top grain and full grain leather.

– Bonded leather is made out of all the bit and pieces of animal hide that are proceeded to be bonded together. This is the lowest grade leather because when it comes to durability, it is not as durable as the others.

Pointers on Choosing Leather Furniture
Before you invest in leather furniture, you have to research about it first. This will always be the homework of any buyer. Buying without knowing is just like throwing away your money. You can get the best bargain if you know more about the product while dealing with a determined salesman who only wants to make a good commission of selling the furniture to you. In leather furniture shopping, make sure that you can recognise the leather by simply looking at it.

Author Bio: Occasional chair leather chesterfield sofa leather chesterfields

Category: Home Management

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