Strength Training Versus Cardio Workouts

A balanced workout comprises of two forms of workouts – cardio and strength training. There are people who support one more than the other, each claiming their technique to be more useful. But the truth is a combination of both these types lead to better results than when practiced alone. Let’s look into the pros and cons of each and see how you can get the best possible workout.

Cardiovascular Workout (Aerobics)
Any exercise that increases your heart beat and uses up energy is called a cardiovascular exercise, or simply cardio. These exercises are performed with minimum resistance, while doing a repetitive motion for a long period of time. Common routines of aerobics include brisk walking, jogging and biking.

Benefits of Cardio
Cardio strengthens the heart and lung muscles, hence building more stamina. Performing cardio makes the heart beat faster, which not only builds its strength and stamina but also makes it more efficient in blood supply. Cardio also helps you reduce weight and maintain it by regularly burning calories. It also helps prevent diseases like diabetes and protects against strokes and heart diseases. Cardio is also known to prevent some types of cancer.

Strength Training (Anaerobic Exercise)
Strength training requires external resistance like weights. Unlike cardio, strength training should not be carried out for long periods of time. When you strength-train, the muscles are under pressure, which leads to increase in size of your muscles. Most common forms of strength training include push-ups, pulls-up, crunches and weights.

Benefits of Strength Training
Regular strength training leads to increase in muscle mass, which helps burn calories even when you are resting. This means that your body needs more calories to function well, consequently burning more calories. Strength training also strengthens the bones which are prone to diseases like osteoporosis, as you grow older. Strength training is especially beneficial for toning of muscles and keeping them strong.

The Art of Balancing
Both forms of workouts are essential to the body. Having the right combination of cardio and strength training can be very beneficial. Adults should aim for at least 150 minutes of moderately intense cardio workout per week. Strength training should not be performed more than twice a week and no longer than 30 to 45 minutes per session. Although it is not recommended, should you decide to perform both cardio and strength training on the same day, start with strength training and then move on to cardio. This aids in weight loss.

Safety Precautions
Before taking part in any intense workout, consult with a doctor about any limitations you might have as certain exercises may be dangerous for you. If you feel pain, dizziness or nausea while working out, slow down or stop completely. The body needs time to repair damage to muscles, so do not work out more than 3 times a week and limit strength training to twice a week. Your body needs water to burn fat, so always stay hydrated -before, during and after the work out session. Always warm up for about 10 minutes by stretching or walking before every session.

Author Bio: If you would like to attend a Boot Camp Cronulla, or go to a Bootcamp, visit Bootcamp Sydney.

Category: Wellness, Fitness and Diet
Keywords: Boot Camp Cronulla

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