Tennis Training to Improve Your Tennis Game

Years ago the only \”training\” deemed necessary by gurus for tennis is cardio and aerobic conditioning.

Such training modalities included long distance running or biking to train the lungs and the heart.

The cardio programs were long in both distance and duration. The only problem?

This tennis training didn\’t transition well onto the tennis courts.

And the reason why is that tennis is not a long distance, duration type of sport.

Tennis is a short burst, start stop, explosive sport, and the tennis training should do it’s very best to mimic this activity. I mean, if you’re a world class sprinter, why would you train by running 10-15 miles at a time? It doesn’t make sense, right?

In order to mimic a real time match, tennis training needs to be as similar to an actual match as possible. That’s why running 5 miles a day doesn’t do much good unless you’re a relative newbie to tennis training. After a few weeks, the benefits of the duration tennis training will level off and you’ll be at your peak.

It requires as much anaerobic endurance as it does aerobic endurance.

So when you\’re putting your tennis training program together, make sure
you keep this in mind.

To apply tennis training anaerobic endurance, you can use a multitude of different variations from dumbbells to barbells to simply body weight exercises.

The trick has less to do with the actual exercises and more to do with how the exercises are put together with one another.

The best way I’ve found to perform tennis training is to use either giant sets or circuits where you do multiple exercises back to back without rest.

One of my favorites is to perform a giant set containing 4 exercises that trains the whole body as well as your anaerobic system.

Normally, I’ll piece together 2-3 giant sets each containing different exercises and then perform 3-4 sets of each giant set.

Here’s an example giant set.

1. Jump Rope
2. Push Up
3. Burpee
4. Push Press

In this giant set, I would perform 8-10 reps of each exercise. Begin with exercise number one, perform 8-10 reps, then immediately move to exercise number two. Repeat until the last rep is complete on exercise number four.

This would be considered 1 set. Repeat for a total of 2-4 sets, then move on to giant set number 2 which would contain 4 new exercises.

The workout would be complete once giant set number 2 is completed for a total of 2-4 sets.

If a tennis player consistently trains in this manner, they will see a dramatic improvement in their performance, because the lack of fatigue will allow them to focus on the specifics of each shot.

As the tennis training progresses, intensity can be added by increasing the number of exercises, increasing the number of reps of each exercise, by increasing the resistance of each exercise, or, if you’re looking for a greater challenge increase all four for a truly intense tennis training workout!

Author Bio: Todd Scott is a training advisor to Men’s Fitness magazine and creator of the internationally best selling Tennis Matrix. To learn more go to the tennis training homepage. Also, grab a free report on the truth about tennis conditioning at the tennis training online Homepage

Category: Sports
Keywords: tennis, tennis tips, tennis conditioning, tennis training, tennis lessons, tennis dvd

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