The Weight Loss Benefits to an Obese

According to the World Health Organization, 30.6% Americans today are obese. Worldwide, one billion people are overweight while 300 million suffer from obesity. That\’s one billion of the almost seven billion population of the world today, compared to the 800 million people who are underweight due to poverty. Weight loss for the overweight and obese population is then highly advised by WHO.

The exploding rate in the number of obese people gravely heightened the figures of a number of chronic diseases such as diabetes type-2, cardiovascular diseases like hypertension and atherosclerosis and certain kinds of cancer. In the early days, type-2 diabetes only affected adults of advanced age but today, it has become common to younger people who are overweight and more to those who are obese.

That is why losing weight down to the ideal level is vital in safeguarding overall health and lengthening a functional life. And the steady increase of the number of obese people has made certain groups and organizations to make moves in halting the procession of obesity along with the dangers they drag along with them.

These firms have included in their feat of controlling obesity certain ways of losing unnecessary pounds like the introduction of dieting programs, exercise regimens, weight reduction supplements and surgery for the severely obese.

Adhering to a strict diet is perhaps among the hardest of the weight loss regimens, especially among people who make chewing a habit. For weight loss to occur, the body must be in a negative state of energy. To give a firm grip of the statement, one must be expending more energy than he is taking in-and these would be food and supplements.

Maintaining a diet program without an accompanying exercise protocol would prove lengthy and if the diet restricts you from certain nutrients, vitamin and mineral deficiencies may occur resulting to pathological conditions that jeopardize your health. And if your body is so used to getting too much glucose, abruptly stopping your munificent eating practice may present certain symptoms.

It is therefore pertinent to bear in mind that dieting is not tantamount to deprivation. While you struggle to avoid certain foods that contain empty calories, it is also important that you get the necessary nutrients to keep you within the bounds of good health.

Exercise regimens for weight loss are most ideal when accompanied with a healthy diet. For a person suffering from obesity, it is therefore expected that more than a couple of pounds need to be discarded. So, a good adherence to a healthy diet with a work out protocol to expend the energy gained from food and shed some of the stored fats will work better and faster than the two used separately or independently.

One of the best exercises endorsed by several trainers for obese people is the kind that promotes cardiovascular health. Brisk walking and jogging are good and simple ways to improve the heart. Since obese people are more predisposed to cardiovascular diseases, these are hearty ways for a healthier blood pump.

For those who just can\’t stop eating by themselves, as would be expected from most people who have made eating more like a reflex, certain drugs are available to suppress hunger, burn fats, increase metabolism and burn calories.

Many of these drugs can be purchased over the counter and work in different ways according to the brand. Some of these supplements work by suppressing hunger by using certain ingredients. The inhibition of the appetite would ultimately lead to the loss of weight due to exhaustion of the stored energy reserves in the body, which are the fats.

Increasing the metabolism, on the other hand, works by increasing the total rate of consumption of energy in the body. This way, you\’ll be expanding energy even when maintaining a sedentary lifestyle. Its effect will increase exponentially with complementary exercise since the body will be expanding energy more readily than normal.

Some of these slimming pills also have properties that increase the rate of energy intake by the cells. This prevents the conversion into fat and used as energy by the cells immediately after intake. This kind of supplement is also used by body builders and athletes to keep them from tiring easily.

These pills also enable the consumer to shed the unwanted pounds by burning fats. They work by converting fats into their simpler forms and/or converting them into energy which can be readily taken in by the cells.

Some of these supplements have packed all these effects in each of their pills. This makes it a good way get to that ideal body weight faster and easier. However, this manner of losing weight is more costly than the rest since it makes use of marketed drugs. Side-effects are also present in most of these supplements since you\’ll be introducing mostly foreign chemicals in the body. It is therefore highly advised to consult a physician before taking any of these drugs especially when already suffering from certain diseases, is pregnant or lactating.

For people who are dangerously obese with a body mass index of 35-40, surgery for weight reduction, also called bariatric surgery, is highly recommended by health providers. Several procedures compose bariatric surgery; among the simplest and most common include gastric bandaging and gastric bypass. These procedures have been proven by studies to cause long-term weight reduction and even make recovery from diabetes possible. Risk factors from cardiovascular diseases will also improve and there has also been a lower mortality rate in obese people who have undergone such procedures.

The gastric bandaging is done by placing a silicone band with an inflatable inner collar over the upper part of the stomach. This narrows the passage of food in the stomach and gives a feeling of fullness. This can also be tightened or loosened according to the specific needs of the individual.

Gastric bypass, abbreviated as GBP, is a surgery that makes the stomach smaller. This gives you the feeling of fullness after consumption of small amounts of foods. Moreover, a part of the small intestine is also bypassed preventing the absorption of more food. This lessens the amount of calories being taken in by the body thus, losing weight in the negative state.

These surgical procedures however, are not without risks. Since incisions will be made, patients are at risk for infection and hemorrhaging. Even after the success of the surgery, the person who\’s undergone these procedures should look out for iron and vitamin B12 deficiencies. Nausea and vomiting may also occur due to the narrowing of the connection between the stomach and intestines. Ulcerations may result and the staples may even pull loose. In some cases, hernia may also develop.

So unless your doctor decides that the benefits outweigh the risks, these procedures must be given serious thought before deciding to undergo them.

According to a federal study, the youth in the United States ages six and nineteen classified as overweight multiplied three times from 1980 to 2002. In European countries where obesity is less prevalent, the percentage has steadily increased over time. Even developing countries have no immunity over this predicament as sedentary lifestyles and diets rich in sugar, fats and salt, common in Western countries, are taking hold of them.

Since obesity is correlated to an increase in health problems, it is therefore wise to lose weight down to the ideal body mass index. Obese people who have experienced a dramatic weight loss have proven that the decrease in health problems also follows. In general, weight loss among obese people-and anyone above the ideal body mass index for that matter-is necessary to obtain overall good health.

Author Bio: Your Weight Loss guide to a better and healthier life. Learn about methods, programs, and plans that can help you reduce your weight, trim your waistline, and get rid of the excessive fat. The Weight Loss Benefits are hard to pass and there is no excuse for anyone to remain overweight or obese these days with all those methods available.

Category: Wellness, Fitness and Diet
Keywords: Weight Loss, Benefits, Obese, Surgery, Diet, Nutrition

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