Nopalea Natural Antioxidant Rich Foods

Nopalea Juice is one of the natural antioxidant rich foods, ranking it right up there with blueberries as some of the healthiest foods you can put in your body.

That’s because the juice is made from the prickly pear cactus, a natural anti-inflammatory and natural anti-oxidant that has been named one of the seven natural wonders of the world by the renowned Dr. Mehmet Oz.

Dr. Oz featured the plant on at least two episodes of his television show.

During one episode on the natural wonders found in the world, he spoke about how the densely fibrous nature of the plant may help people with diabetes regulate blood sugar levels. He did a demonstration with an hourglass, showing how freely sugar flows from one side to the other when there is nothing in the glass. Then he added some prickly pear cactus and showed how the plant filtered the entry of the sugar into the bottom half of the hourglass.

Much like his demonstration, people who eat the fibrous cactus can filter and regulate the entry of sugar into the blood stream.

During another episode, Dr. Oz joked with comedian Jimmy Fallon about ways to cure the symptoms of a hangover. He recommended prevention as the best way and advised that clear colored alcohols caused the fewest hangovers. However, if a hangover was already in progress, then drinking juice from the prickly pear cactus could help.

That makes sense since hangovers are often linked to severe dehydration and the prickly pear cactus is a natural hydrant to the body.

These are just two of the many benefits that people have raved about when dealing with the prickly pear cactus. There are so many more benefits to be found.

One of the most exciting developments in cancer-fighting research over the past decade was the discovery that there might be a link between chronic inflammation and cancer. In addition, researchers are looking at whether chronic inflammation is linked to a host of other serious and non-serious ailments and diseases.

A Time Magazine article revealed that scientists are studying this possible connection.

Inflammation is the body’s super immune system response to attack and invasion. It often does its job and then subsides. However, there are times when this efficient system goes haywire and the inflammation becomes chronic. In those cases, it appears that the inflammation fights the invaders or bacteria or whatever it was called in to attack but then continues the battle even after its won the fight.

What essentially happens at that point is that the body begins to attack itself. This is called chronic inflammation. Researchers are looking at whether this leads to other serious problems.

In addition, the prickly pear cactus, a natural anti-inflammatory contains special pigments that are natural anti oxidants. These betalains are only found in a few other foods, such as Swiss chard and beets. They are cancer fighters that taste good.

Because Nopalea Juice’s main ingredient (after water) is the cactus, it just makes sense that it is a drink that is good for the body.

Author Bio: Frank Yocanis has been researching and writing about Chronic Inflammation for the past decade. He has even traveled to the Sonoran desert half a dozen times to study how Nopalea contains amazing properties that help with all kinds of joint pain, including leg swelling. He is excited to share how this antioxidant-rich drink can change your life.

Category: Wellness, Fitness and Diet
Keywords: Swollen Legs, Leg Pain, Swollen Ankles, Leg Swelling, TriVita

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