4 Tips For Successful Weight Loss

Success doesn’t just happen by accident. If you want this weight loss effort to be different than all the other times you’ve tried, then you will need to plan for your success. These tips are not new ideas, but they are important for any successful weight loss efforts

1. Clean it out – You should start your weight loss plan by purging your refrigerator and cupboards of all the foods that do not support you in your weight loss efforts.

If you come home hungry one day and find a bag of chips and a pack of Oreos it is much too easy to forget about your diet. Make sure you replace what you purged with healthy alternative, so you’ll be less tempted to order a large pizza.

2. Plan your meals – If you have planned out what you are going to eat, you decrease the chances of becoming overly hungry, and then eat anything in sight. When you are unprepared with healthy snacks, that “anything” almost always turns out to be something over-processed and full of empty calories.

Prepare meals and snack ahead if possible. If you know you are going to be busy one night, don’t bother trying to find a time to fit in cooking. Instead, cook a lot when you’re free and then freeze what you have left.

3. Do not skip meals – One of the worst mistakes dieters make is to try to lose weight by skipping meals, often breakfast. By skipping a meal, yes, you will be decreasing the calories you are taking in, which may help you lose weight for the first couple days, but when you skip meals, your metabolism slows down, making you lose less weight overall.

When your body starts to think you are not going to eat, it kicks into a survival response also known as starvation mode. Starvation mode slows your metabolism down so you don’t burn off calories as quickly, your body is trying to protect you from losing the fat that will keep you from starving. Starvation mode is great for survival situations, not so much for dieting.

4. Plan your off day – Everyone needs a day off. If you plan for it, then you increase the likelihood that the rest of the time you will stay on your plan. You have something to look forward to. During your day off, enjoy the food you are eating! Guilt doesn’t help.

Even with careful planning, there will be impromptu situations that involve food and drink that’s not part of your plan. If you followed your plan most of the time, but slipped up occasionally, it won’t be the end of the world. Just get right back up and restart on your diet plan immediately.

Spend some time to develop a plan you can stick with. If you don’t plan out exactly what you are going to do, it is easy to lose focus, get discouraged, and stopping your diet before you reach your goal. Decide how much weight you’d like to lose, what you need to do to lose the weight, including exercising, and what you can reasonably commit to. Write it down. Have something you can check off every time you have a healthy meal and go to the gym.

To find out more about health and weight loss, especially how internal cleansing should play a part in your overall efforts to improve your health, visit my website about cleansing at Lemonade Cleanse To Go

To find out more about health and weight loss, especially how internal cleansing should play a part in your overall efforts to improve your health, visit my website about cleansing at http://www.LemonadeCleanseToGo.com/

Author Bio: To find out more about health and weight loss, especially how internal cleansing should play a part in your overall efforts to improve your health, visit my website about cleansing at Lemonade Cleanse To Go

Category: Wellness, Fitness and Diet
Keywords: weight loss, cleansing, detoxification, eliminate toxins, lose weight

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