Having Cosmetic Dentistry Treatments to Improve Your Looks

Cosmetic dentistry can cover a wide range of treatments, and can include something as simple as having amalgam fillings changed to white fillings. Some treatments have a purely cosmetic effect, while others help restore teeth so the patient regains useful function. A lot of dentists specialize in this field.

One of the most popular things to have done is to have your teeth whitened. This is a very simple and straightforward procedure but should always be carried out by a dentist. The reason for this is that teeth and gums need to be in a healthy condition before the bleaching solutions are applied, as if used on someone with gum disease or decaying teeth they could cause further damage.

It\’s a very effective procedure and can be carried out in as little as an hour, or you can choose to have custom-made bleaching trays which can be worn at home. The advantage of choosing trays is that you can control the degree of bleaching, and can stop when you have reached the desired degree of whiteness. It\’s important to be realistic about this, and remember if you have any porcelain crowns or veneers bleaching will not change the shade.

In fact if you are intending to have extensive cosmetic work carried out it may well be worth bleaching your teeth first of all so that any crowns and bridges can be matched to the shade. It is far more accurate to match shades in this manner. Veneers are another very popular thing to have done.

The advantage of these is that they can restore teeth which are slightly chipped and worn, and can even straighten out slightly crooked teeth. If you are having extensive veneer work then you may be able to choose to go a couple of shades lighter than your natural teeth. If cared for properly, veneers should last a considerable number of years as they are quite strong once cemented in place.

If your teeth are very crooked then you could consider having orthodontic treatment. While orthodontic treatment can be considered to be purely cosmetic, it also has other advantages. Straight teeth are far easier to clean properly, so if yours are crowded you\’ll find it much easier to floss in between and remove all the food debris, lessening your chance of tooth decay.

Nowadays braces don\’t have to be made out of metal and wire as the latest types are invisible. They are clear plastic shields which are replaced regularly as the teeth gradually move into position. These types of braces are great for adults who don\’t wish to advertise the fact that they are wearing braces.

Another advantage is that they are fully removable and can be taken out to be thoroughly cleaned. They can also be left out for important occasions and are generally much more preferable to the old fixed position braces which are tricky to clean properly.

Cosmetic dentistry also includes bridgework which is ideal for replacing missing teeth. However another option is to have dental implants which don\’t require the adjacent teeth to be filed down. These can cost a little more, but should last a lifetime.

Emergency Dentist Calgary SE providing emergency dental care in the Calgary area. Also, offering other services including Cosmetic dentistry Calgary SE. Enhance Dental Care 12-20 Douglas Woods Drive SE, Calgary, AB T2Z 1K4 (403) 723-2273

Emergency Dentist providing emergency dental care in the Calgary SE area. Also, offering other services including Cosmetic dentistry. Enhance Dental Care 12-20 Douglas Woods Drive SE, Calgary, AB T2Z 1K4 (403) 723-2273

Author Bio: Emergency Dentist Calgary SE providing emergency dental care in the Calgary area. Also, offering other services including Cosmetic dentistry Calgary SE. Enhance Dental Care 12-20 Douglas Woods Drive SE, Calgary, AB T2Z 1K4 (403) 723-2273

Category: Medical Business
Keywords: Dentist, orthodontist, cosmetic, beauty, family, health, business

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