Personal Care For a Healthy 24-hour

Personal care is a matter of great concern for people of all ages, gender, and occupation. Everyone has become particular of appearance and grooming. In addition to healthy food habits and regular physical activities, men and women, boys and girls, and even grandpas and grandmas are spending sufficient time in looking good and healthy. Personal care and hygienic habits are attempts in this direction of personal grooming.

With so much to do in so little time, there is actually not much opportunity to pay attention to personal care. But with every passing day it is becoming more important to pay attention to personal well being in context of ever increasing levels of pollution. With carbon emission reaching unprecedented heights particularly in cities where greenhouse effect is ever rising, it is time to pay attention to our body and health.

Regular Bath and Body – A regular bath or at least a shower, particularly for people staying in crowded cities is a must. A daily shower using cleansers is helpful in removing the grime collected on your body throughout the day. This basic skin care not only prevents removal of germs from your body surface but also maintains its cleanliness. In case you are a resident of a tropical city, a regular shower is a must.

If you use soap or liquid cleanser for removing grime from your body, you should use a shampoo for your hair. Hair if not looked after carefully is liable to get damaged quite fast. A tested shampoo within acceptable pH limits is to be used for cleaning your hair. In many instances, the water that you use might lead to hair damage and hair fall. Water used for personal use should ideally be treated, clear, and neutral in nature. Lather should form and wash away easily.

Astringents and Treatments – Astringents are particularly useful for oily skins. If moisturizers are essential to keep dry skin supple and healthy, astringents and treatments are vital for oily skins. Oily skins could lead to acne and blackheads on your skin. Regular application of astringent helps to keep your skin clean and dry, which helps in preventing accumulation of dust and germs. For proper skin care, it is better to apply astringent after thoroughly washing your body and face with soap and water. After drying, apply astringent with cotton wool. Astringent should ideally be kept overnight for best results.

After shave – Aftershave is an essential ingredient of a man’s personal care. This lotion is an antiseptic and helps in healing cuts and nicks after a shave. It is liberally splashed on cheeks, chin and throat and gives a pleasant feeling throughout the day.

Brushing and Flossing – Brushing twice a day and flossing once a week are habits that go a long way in personal care. Unhealthy teeth and gums can lead to diseases associated with the alimentary system, olfactory system, or even the nervous system. Teeth and gums are thus are never to be neglected in your personal care.

Celina Krishchov writes to recommend the products for well-being,health & personal care.

Celina Krishchov writes to recommend the products for well-being, health & personal care. Recommended products can be further explored by visiting

Author Bio: Celina Krishchov writes to recommend the products for well-being,health & personal care.

Category: Wellness, Fitness and Diet
Keywords: Personal care, wellness, health, skin care

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