Technology and Declining SAT Scores?

Today the College Board’s reports are showing a decline in reading scores as well as writing. Some people think the decline is due to a lazy trend. Over the years the impact of the internet on our kids is deemed, by some, as detrimental to their memorization, reading and writing skills.

While many question the quality of standardized testing, the declining scores are an indicator that something needs to change. There are many other factors that can lead to lower scores, but for now, let’s look at the internet. Middle school children in this country have always had had internet access. Some claim that without the need to research through a library of books our students have become lazy.

Perhaps we should be looking at what we, as parents and teachers, can do to ensure that basic skills are mastered by our kids. Certainly guidance is needed in the sea of information that is on the internet.

We can always work to help our older children brush up on basic skills. It does seem easier to start when they are younger. This was my intention when we decided to provide our 2 year old grandson with an iPad. I found that wading through the sea of apps available in the apps store is an interesting voyage. It is a voyage I am glad I set out on though.

Finding enticing, educational apps for kids takes some serious time. It has turned out to be worth it for me. The search led me to build a website devoted to presenting the type of quality apps that I found for our little one, and share that information with other parents and caregivers. Over a year after providing the iPad with great apps I am happy to say he uses it every single day.

There are many great apps for kids in the store. Apps that are so filled with life that kids get totally caught up in them. The great news is they are learning the whole while. There are apps that teach the alphabet and provide tasks and rewarding praise to the kids the whole while. I find the same in apps teaching numbers and math, handwriting and more. As for memorization, flash card apps are available that are full of color and positive reinforcement throughout the experience.

Another favorite of mine is book apps. These reinforce reading skills so well. There are options for kids to choose to be read to, while they hear and see the words highlighted they are also seeing and hearing the words used in context. Kids can tap the pictures on the page and see and hear the word for it pop up on the screen. These books are a wealth of information that also provide lessons in social skills.

In other parts of the sea of apps, there are introductions to music, art and more. The options grow as kids do, rapidly, from a beginner level to sophisticated tools. With the sea of information available, guidance is what our kids need. Technology is here to stay and constantly growing. Our task is to provide our kids with the best tools available to enhance their skills in all areas of life.

Our website is devoted to finding and reviewing the best educational iPad apps for kids and providing videos in published reviews. A great resource for parents and caretakers to visit Best Kids Apps Reviewed

Our website is devoted to finding and reviewing the best educational iPad apps for kids and providing videos in published reviews. A great resource for parents and caretakers to visit

Author Bio: Our website is devoted to finding and reviewing the best educational iPad apps for kids and providing videos in published reviews. A great resource for parents and caretakers to visit Best Kids Apps Reviewed

Category: Computers and Technology
Keywords: technology,education,kids,apps,iPad

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