The Myriad Benefits of Core Fitness Workouts

An outdoor fitness program must be carefully thought out before it is put into practice. Brain and brawn, despite popular belief, are not very different from each other. Brain comprises of muscles while brawn works at the commands of the brain. Therefore, it is a good idea to put some brain into your physical workout to derive optimum benefits from it.

Start from the Center

The center is the most important part of any physical system. A circle needs a center to have an even periphery. The solar system comprises of planets revolving around the sun which takes central position. Similarly, the central part of the human body is of top priority in an outdoor fitness program. Core fitness workouts are designed to develop and strengthen the central points of the human body. Therefore, it is best to start a fitness workout by concentrating on the core.

The core parts of the body

The core internal organs of the human body are the heart and the brain. However, to maintain physical fitness at the central level, a few other parts of the body are focused on. These are present in the more literal center of the human body; the lower torso. The lower torso comprises of the abdominal muscles, the hips, the waist and the lower back, the derriere (the buttocks), the groin and the thigh muscles. A physically unfit person experiences the greatest discomfort in this area. This area is the most prone to gathering excess fat and lower back pain.

Exercises designed especially for the core

It is a good precautionary plan to get into the habit of a core fitness workout to avoid developing spinal complications or obesity. Even if these problems have developed, the cure lies again in a core fitness workout. However, such a workout will focus on alternative sets of exercises. Generally, the most basic fitness exercises focus on the core. Sit-ups and squats concentrate on the core and are a must in any fitness program. Other exercises for the core include abdominal bracing and push-ups.

How much of core fitness exercises should you practice in a session?

Essentially, two-thirds of your fitness routine should comprise of core fitness workout. Running and stretching should make up the rest. Core fitness exercises may seem to focus only on a few muscles of the body, but in fact they work out the others too. For example, push-ups strengthen the arms while squats make the legs stronger. A strong center takes care of the periphery too.

Other forms of exercise such as yoga, pilates and even a few dance forms concentrate on the core of the body. The same principle holds for all. The essence of the right fitness program is not quantitative but qualitative. It is not the time put behind a workout nor the variety of exercises in a workout that makes it reap benefits. It is putting some thought behind it by following some basic principles that will ensure an ideal workout.

To subscribe to an Outdoor Fitness Domain program, or for a free session at fitness bootcamps, visit Personal Trainer in Sydney.

To subscribe to an Outdoor Fitness Domain program, or for a free session at fitness bootcamps, visit Personal Trainer in Sydney.

Author Bio: To subscribe to an Outdoor Fitness Domain program, or for a free session at fitness bootcamps, visit Personal Trainer in Sydney.

Category: Wellness, Fitness and Diet
Keywords: Outdoor Fitness Domain

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