What is Type 2 Diabetes?

Type 2 diabetes is a condition that affects the way your body metabolizes glucose. It has also been referred to as adult-onset diabetes and non-insulin dependent diabetes. When you suffer from type 2 diabetes, your body may get to the point of resisting the effect of insulin, or it might not make enough insulin to keep your blood sugar levels regulated. If glucose is not able to enter your cells efficiently to provide energy, your blood sugar level will rise and signal your pancreas to make more insulin. Either way, if the condition is left untreated, it can become dangerous and even life threatening.

While the cause of type 1, or juvenile diabetes has not been precisely pinpointed scientifically, type 2 diabetes often owes its presence to lifestyle. Excess weight is one cause of type 2 diabetes that people have control over, and type 2 diabetes weight loss is a topic of great concern for many sufferers. Quite often the type 2 diabetes treatment that is recommended by doctors is to simply lose weight. Once excess body weight is lost, your body is able to respond to insulin normally again and the condition can be controlled.

Type 2 diabetes weight loss is usually brought about through diet modification and regular exercise. Sticking to foods that are lower on the glycemic index and moving your body regularly helps your body process sugar more effectively, and ultimately keeps your blood sugar regulated and in a safe range. Some of the foods your doctor will advise you to consume are whole grains, whole fruits and vegetables and lean sources of protein like fish or chicken. These types of food break down more slowly in your bloodstream, so your blood sugar will not rise and fall quickly. For exercise, you can try everything from taking brisk walks to lifting weights to playing a sport.

In other cases, type 2 diabetes treatment must venture into insulin therapy or other medications, if losing weight alone has not remedied the problem. Medications used for type 2 diabetes treatment may vary according to the severity of your condition, and the latest research. Your doctor will prescribe what he feels is best for you at the time. If you find that you are suffering from any of the common symptoms of type 2 diabetes, ask your doctor to test you so you know for certain and can begin type 2 diabetes treatment before the condition gets worse.

Some of the symptoms of type 2 diabetes include an increased sense of thirst, hunger after you just ate, an unusually dry mouth and frequent urination. Sometimes, you may lose weight despite eating regularly and feel an overall body fatigue or weakness. Blurry vision and headaches are also among the more common signs you may have type 2 diabetes. If your body mass index is closer to 30 and you experience symptoms, it is important to get to your doctor so you can start a type 2 diabetes weight loss program and try to get healthier as soon as possible.

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Author Bio: Get the information you need on gastric band surgery, and start your journey towards a new body and a new life.

Category: Wellness, Fitness and Diet
Keywords: weight loss, diet,gastric band, gastric surgery, gastric bypass, bariatric surgery, type 2 diabetes

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