Why a Balanced Exercise Plan?

Your healthy eating plan should include a variety of food groups. It\’s not healthy to eat only one or two food groups. Your meals must be balanced if you want your body to get optimum nutrition.

It is exactly the same with an exercise plan. You can\’t do only one type of exercise and ignore all the others. If you want to reach and maintain optimum fitness levels then you must do a variety of physical exercise.

It is important to keep your body flexible. This is achieved by carrying out stretching exercises. Keeping the body flexible will be greatly appreciated as you grow older. It allows you to do most activities like walking, running, sitting, lifting etc with ease rather than having stiff, even painful, joints. Dancing, yoga and Pilates routines are excellent ways to stay flexible. Do stretch exercises three times a week.

You must keep muscle and bone strength. This is done with weight training. This type of exercise will also assist you in muscle mass maintenance when losing weight. You can use resistance machines or handheld weights. Leg squats, pushups and crunches make use of your body\’s weight for resistance. Do strength training two times per week.

You can assist in preserving the strength of your back and movement of your lower and upper body with core exercises. These are exercises that work the muscles in your pelvis, abdomen and lower back. Exercises must make you use your body\’s trunk area, e.g. crunches of the abdomen. A fitness ball is helpful.

Many of us forget the importance of balance. It is important to maintain our strength of balance because it diminishes as we get older. As we get older it is easier to lose our balance and become injured due to falls. It is fun to do a tai chi class with a group. However, simply standing one leg at a time for increasing periods will both improve and maintain balance.

An essential part of any balanced exercise plan is aerobics. Without aerobics exercise you will not have stamina. Stamina is what you build up over time by increasing the difficulty level and time period of the exercises. If you don\’t have stamina you won\’t have endurance.

Another name for aerobic exercise is cardio or endurance exercise. It would be fair to say all exercise plans are built around aerobic exercise. This type of exercise causes you to breathe deeply and quickly and so increases oxygen in the blood. The harder you work at aerobic exercises the harder your lungs, heart and blood vessels operate. This makes them strong and more efficient. This efficiency is felt when you are able to work out for longer and longer periods with ease.

Your objective should be to get to completing two and a half hours of moderate and one hour and fifteen minutes of brisk aerobic exercise spread out over a week. You gradually increase the time as you want to increase your fitness level. Don\’t be put off by the variety of exercises because it adds interest to your plan and makes exercising enjoyable.

Adaleya Johnson has the #1 boot camp in San Diego and has been helping San Diego clients lose weight, get toned and fit into their skinny jeans for over 2 years. Check out his boot camp in San Diego here.

Adaleya Johnson has the #1 http://youtu.be/SfCXFHb79zA boot camp in San Diego and has been helping San Diego clients lose weight, get toned and fit into their skinny jeans for over 2 years. Check out his http://youtu.be/SfCXFHb79zA boot camp in San Diego here.

Author Bio: Adaleya Johnson has the #1 boot camp in San Diego and has been helping San Diego clients lose weight, get toned and fit into their skinny jeans for over 2 years. Check out his boot camp in San Diego here.

Category: Wellness, Fitness and Diet
Keywords: boot camp in San Diego

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