Do it Yourself Methods of Pest Control

Whether you live in a house or office you may get infested by some sort or pest later on. Sometimes preparation is the best form of prevention in most pest problems and you can actually do some preparation yourself before you pick up that phone to call in the exterminator. Here are a few ways in which you can actually keep an infestation to a minimum by following these pest control tips that you can do right now.

There are about five pest control items you should put on your checklist. These can significantly help you avoid massive swarms later on and uncontrollable invasions in the future. These are easy to do and will not take too much of your time.

The very basic thing to do is to clear areas of clutter. Rodents and other creatures love areas with a lot of trash and clutter where they can snuggle and rest in. They also love to mate and give birth in these areas. The areas that are candidates for clutter are unused areas like storage rooms in your house or office. Setting some time aside to clear your clutter is a good first step in combating pests.

Another good control item is to change your eating behavior. Eat only in places where you are supposed to eat. That means that you do not eat in the bedroom, den or any other area. Eat only in the kitchen or dining areas to avoid food crumbs and particles being scattered which in turn attract unwanted guests.

Though many of us loathe to carry out the trash and garbage, this has to be done religiously. This chore cannot be over emphasized as food trash and such will attract pests. Make it a daily habit to take out the trash as soon as possible. As unpalatable the chore may be, put in your mind that it is a job that only you can effectively do.

In lieu of a paid exterminator to kill your pests for you, you can do so yourself. However, try to avoid using tracking powder or poison in the case of rodents. These are very effective but the rat or mouse may die in a inaccessible place which can stink up your house for a few days. It is also unsanitary for what if it dies in a place where the carcass may come into contact with areas where humans frequent.

Electric traps are now also very popular as well as the traditional snap trap. They can effectively trap and kill a rodent which you can easily dispose of. These sort of traps are only good for small populations, but a full blown infestation will be another matter. For big populations of pests, it is best to call the exterminator.

Should an exterminator be called in, you may need to vacate the premises for one or two days. This is because the poisons that they use may be harmful to humans as well. In any case, always be prudent in your choice of pest control method.

Pest Pro Canada

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