How I Finally Came to Understand Internet Marketing

There are literally thousands of websites online that will tell you they can teach you how to make money online. They they you how easy it is and how one day they suddenly discovered this one simple trick, and that for a low fee they will “give” you their easy to use system. They may tell you all the things that they are not, but most do not tell you what they are.

What they are is simple. A tactic using information that may relevant, delivers it with a story that may or may not be true. A lot of these sites have disclaimers such as \”testimonials provided are not typical results\” or \”this video was spoken by a paid actor and not the actual author of the site\”. The latter disclaimer was a site that started out by saying he was tired of sites claiming unlikely results with fake systems promoted by paid actors.

I\’ve read and watched videos on literally hundreds of these sites myself. Today I probably watch about one a week just for entertainment as I chuckle to myself as I have finally found a great source of information on making money online.

Understand that online marketing is a rather broad term. I\’m talking about article marketing, affiliate marketing, email marketing, and so much more. There is plenty of good information on how to do these things on the internet today. I have learned many ways to make money online, and know that just one method standing alone can take a lot more work than using multiple methods.

December of 2011 I took a free online course provided by Curtis Andrew, founder of the Internet income academy. This really summed up everything I was trying to understand about making online. The course taught me many things about the different ways to make money online, and the mistakes I was making that are so commonly made by people struggling to keep ahead with just a job. I learned to quit looking for that hot tip, or magic button that just doesn\’t exist and focus on building a business online.

This course is provided through your email, over the course of 3 days. When I first took this course I only had an hour a day to watch these videos after work so it took me a little longer. This really didn\’t take anything from the course I just watched as many videos a day as I could and took notes which is optional.

After you finish the course you do have an opportunity to join Internet Income academy. I would recommend doing so to anyone serious about building a business online, but at least do yourself a favor and sign up for the free course. Even If you don\’t the information you will acquire is priceless for getting you started making money online.

If you do choose to join Internet Income Academy, the 3 day course is retained on their site as well as many courses going into detail each element of the many avenues of online wealth.

Adam Bartley Member of IIA (internet income academy) The most comprehensive course that introduced me to making money online.

Author Bio: Adam Bartley Member of IIA (internet income academy) The most comprehensive course that introduced me to making money online. To learn more about the Internet Income Academy itself check out the truth video by Curtis Andrew..

Category: Internet
Keywords: make money online, starting an online business, working from home, internet marketing

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