Rod Chase

Known as a photorealist, Rod Chase and his beautiful paintings are known for the way that they capture the subject matter so realistically that they could easily be mistaken for a very well taken photograph. Photography plays a big role in this type of artwork.

Photorealism simply means that the information is gathered using a camera. In order to begin working on a piece, the artist will begin to take many different types of photos during different times of the day in order to capture different light.

Photographs will be taken from different angles as well. By selecting many different shots of the scene in different types of light and during the changing aspects of weather throughout the day, a portrait begins to emerge unlike any before it. This is the magic that Rod Chase creates.

He is known for doing landscapes in foreign countries as well as capturing the natural treasures right here in the United States. He has done photorealism portraits of the White House and the Supreme Court in Washington D.C.

These are only a few of the many that he has produced. His travels found him in Italy where he captured the beauty of Venice and its romance along with the St. Peter’s Basilica.

He is originally from Canada, but he became a United States citizen in 1999. He now resides in Texas with his wife and their five children.

Rod Chase has said that his love for this country can be attributed to the reason why he continues to do portraits featuring the natural monuments and buildings here in this country.

He paints in many different areas of interest such as military, Americana, patriotic, architecture, cityscapes, and landscapes. Each of his paintings is done with a quality and timeless beauty that is surpassed by none.

The Texas Capitol building, as well as a quaint English cottage, is among many of his paintings. One of the most recognizable places in Texas, The Alamo, has also been captured by Rod Chase and his photorealism art. He has also captured the essence of the Statue of Liberty and the Jefferson Memorial.

Perhaps one of the most striking things about a painting by Rod Chase is the way that each portrait captures a certain type of light which reflects the mood of the moment. Whether it is light glistening on a reflective canal in Venice or the wonder of San Pietro at dusk, his use of light is remarkable.

When a painting can be so realistic that it appears to be a photograph, this is the work of an extraordinarily talented artist. How appropriate it is that something that was once feared by artists, such as photography, has found a way to become an integral partner with artistic expression.

When photography was in its infancy, many of the artists of that period were afraid that their work would no longer be valued or in demand because of it. It is nice to see how the two can merge into a beautiful art form that is so completely beautiful and unique.

Betz Gallery is an expert in Rod Chase , Western Paintings and reproductions.

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Author Bio: Betz Gallery is an expert in Rod Chase , Western Paintings and reproductions.

Category: Culture
Keywords: Rod Chase, impressionist artwork, lithograph, art gallery on line, giclee, prints on canvas

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