Self Defense Myths And Facts

With the rising rates of criminality nowadays, it is no longer safe to walk in the streets alone. Even inside the church, in school, in the office or in government offices, criminals abound everywhere. Because of the risk and danger, some individuals participated in short term classes on martial arts, while others bring self defense tools along with them inside their bags or in their pockets.

Despite the importance of self defense to everybody, there are myths circulating about it. At present, lots of individuals have beliefs and myths about self-defense and martial arts which are passed through word of the mouth. The truth of the matter is some individuals preconceived these ideas about self-defense but they failed to pursue the truthfulness of the matter. Below are some of the common myths and facts about self defense.

Myth: Self-defense and martial arts training are applicable only to unarmed attacker.

Fact: Both self-defense and martial arts are very broad and both should not be associated to mean physical movements. A person who has good training in martial arts has increased awareness, physical fighting skills, fear management and threat evaluation. Even if the perpetrator is armed with a knife or any type of weapon, he knows how to handle the situation without risking his life. If police authorities managed to defend themselves even without the use of their gun, there is no reason why civilians or ordinary individuals cannot do the same.

Myth: Groin strikes are the best self-defense for women.

Fact: Yes, it is effective and the most common technique that women can practice, but it does not last long and the pain will be gone in just minutes. As you noticed, some athletes are hardly hit by the groin during their tournament, but still they managed to finish the game. Moreover, men are very good when it comes to protecting this part of their body.

Myth: Women\’s lower bodies are stronger compared to their upper bodies, thus their self-defense tactics should be based on their lower extremities.

Fact: This assumption is irrelevant because we exert more force in our legs than our arms. Self defense is not a matter of power lifting and determining who has the greatest strength, but it is the manner on how you can escape your attacker. It should not be based on strength alone but presence of mind, self-defense skills and proper planning.

Myth: All forms of martial arts and self-defense training are waste of time.

Fact: Individuals who made this assumption know little or nothing about martial arts and self-defense. Some weapons are not as effective as they think it is because of its associated drawbacks and disadvantages. This holds true to guns. Guns can be used to defend yourself, but not at all times. Guns are not as powerful as those portrayed on the television.

Myth: Common items found at home or inside your bag can be used as weapons

Fact: This assumption is not that practical because you cannot use common items self defense tools. How can you use your hairbrush to fight your attacker? You can improvise things when self-defense tools are absent, but nothing compares having the right tools, self defense skills and strategy.

These are the common myths and facts about self-defense.

Cori N. Baker enjoys writing for which sells taser and taser gun as well as a host of additional products.

Cori N. Baker enjoys writing for which sells taser and keyword2 as well as a host of additional products.

Author Bio: Cori N. Baker enjoys writing for which sells taser and taser gun as well as a host of additional products.

Category: Sports
Keywords: self defense,martial arts,self defense myths,self defense tools,self defense skills,defense tools

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