Stock-Piling With Friends and Family For Extra Savings

Through history our nation has lived through many financial downturns and hardships and similarly the good times have always returned to bless us with abundance. Yet, when the hard times roll around again, we tend to have forgotten the measures we can take to get us through harder times. Stock-piling with friends and family for extra savings during hard times is one way of stretching resources and living smarter to reduce the effect of scarcity. Try these tips to maximize your savings with stock-piling.

Coupon Cooperatives

Cooperatives return their profits to their members through the savings of cooperative buying power. By joining a cooperative you are able to buy in volume and share the costs of your purchase. Stock-piling through cooperatives is therefore a great idea way to save. Cooperatives offer their savings through coupons that can be bought and printed in exchange for the products represented.

Sharing Space

Sharing space with friends and family can make it possible to buy bulk discounted goods. Stock-piling goods which have been bought at discounted prices is then easy. For example, buying discounted bulk frozen foods is possible if you have a friend with a large freezer who shares in the buy and where it can be stored. If you have another facility where stock can be piled, for example a shed or large pantry, the same friend can be a co-buyer into bulk discounted goods of another type. Instead of joining cooperatives, families can group together to buy any type of goods in bulk at discount and sharing their space for storage.

Sales Cycle and Warehouse Watch

Watching sales cycles basically comes down to smart shopping. If you start making a habit out of only shopping at sales, it will equate to huge savings over several years, especially if you use sales cycles to shop for necessities like clothes and food items and then stock-piling it for use in the next season or future use. Shop for your summer clothes in fall, when there are huge savings at the big department stores. There might even be bigger savings during the winter months when excess summer stock is cleared out on discounts that may range from 50% – 90%. Some stores also use outlet stores to send their outmoded stock to and only shopping there will ensure you consistently pay only 30% to 50% of normal retail price.

Obsolete stock is sometimes sold directly from warehouses and keeping a look out for \”lot sales\” where multiple items can be bought on huge discounts. For example trays or palettes of nonperishable tinned food items, is a good way to consistently save on your food budget and stock-piling for a rainy day even in good times.


The above ways are just examples of stock-piling and reducing costs during hard times to still have a good lifestyle. It only involves sharing some resources with family and friends and also getting a little smarter on your shopping habits. Stock-piling food items bought at warehouse sales or at \”multi-buys\” is a good idea when it can be put away for when times gets harder or shortages lead to increase costs.

Anna Waters is the owner of, a Canadian website specialising in coupon codes, discounts and Canadian deals. Visit now to start saving!

Anna Waters is the owner of, a Canadian website specialising in coupon codes, discounts and Canadian deals. Visit now to start saving!

Author Bio: Anna Waters is the owner of, a Canadian website specialising in coupon codes, discounts and Canadian deals. Visit now to start saving!

Category: Home Management
Keywords: shopping,discounts,stockpiling,money saving,canada,canadian,finances

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