The Signs of Breast Implant Ruptures

Breast implant ruptures is one of the concerns that hounds women who have had breast augmentation done on themselves. There is always that probability that it might happen to any of you. And there are many factors, both controllable and those that are not, which could lead to why this is so.

When it comes to looking for signs of breast implant ruptures, any visible markers or any sensations is less likely to happen. This is the reason why most ruptures are detected much later on than when it actually happened. This is what is referred to as silent ruptures, and the process can happen ever so subtly.

But there will be some variations between saline and silicone implants. Saline which is made out of a less viscous solution will leak out faster, compared to silicone, once the outer shell has been compromised. The deflation of saline implants will either have immediate results and sometimes it may even take a few days. It will also result to a lopsided pair of breasts.

Silicone implant ruptures, on the other hand, is more difficult to detect because the fluid exits slowly and yes it does not give out any painful symptoms initially. The detection of any signs sometimes even extends up to a couple of years later, and in some cases it can only be found out when the patient would have it replaced.

But the symptoms may vary for each person, because this now depends on how their bodies react to the fluid, especially in the case of silicone. Saline of course will not create any untoward reaction because it has the same composition and osmolarity to our very own body fluid.

However silicone is another issue because first of all it is made out of a foreign material. Some women reported that they experienced fibromyalgia (a painful condition which affects soft muscle tissues) after being exposed to the leaked silicone substance.

So always be on the lookout for visible signs by constantly performing breast examination for any shape or size changes, swelling, pain, or any unusual sensations. There are even instances where you might also feel a light tingling or burning within the area.

Light palpation may also be applied to check for any palpable silicone that has moved out of the shell. Doing the same will also help you check for lumps as the separated silicone fluid may gather in areas which it had leaked into such as chest, breast, arms, and the armpit to form what is called granulomas.

The issues on whether or not the rupture of silicone breast implants pose any serious health risks on patients are still debated by surgeons and health professionals. There is still no scientific evidence to prove this claim. However there are reported symptoms of discomfort and the fact that there are foreign substances left inside your body, both for saline and silicone implants, makes detection very important.

With saline implants for instance, even though it may not cause any untoward reaction the ruptured shell might cause damage to the surrounding tissues as it limps and folds. This can sometimes create visible protrusions outwardly.

If you really want to make sure that you are kept safe from these “silent incidents,” you can have yourself scheduled for an MRI (Magnetic Resonance Imaging) every three years. This procedure not only determines rupture but it also able to determine if it has been leaking outside the scar tissue that has formed around the implant.

For a breast implants in Sydney that is of quality and with guaranteed safety, you can trust Esteem Cosmetic Studio to do the job. A team of highly experienced and skilled surgeons who have received their educational training in certified and reputable medical schools. In addition to that we also use only the finest materials and the safest facilities to give you the best cosmetic surgery.

Esteem Cosmetic Studio is a chain of clinics servicing in Canberra, Sydney, Brisbane and Melbourne, Australia. This clinic is run by a team of cosmetic doctors who specializes in their respective fields including breast implants in Sydney (

Author Bio: For a breast implants in Sydney that is of quality and with guaranteed safety, you can trust Esteem Cosmetic Studio to do the job. A team of highly experienced and skilled surgeons who have received their educational training in certified and reputable medical schools. In addition to that we also use only the finest materials and the safest facilities to give you the best cosmetic surgery.

Category: Wellness, Fitness and Diet
Keywords: breast implants sydney,breast augmentation gone bad,breast implants surgery,breast surgery risks

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