Boost Your Productivity With ABBYY FlexiCapture Data Extraction Software

If you are running a small or medium sized business, a document processing application and data extraction software can help boost your productivity no matter what industry you are in. ABBYY FlexiCapture software offers both scanning and extraction of data features. With it, you can capture any kind of document, whether be it a form, receipt, contract, survey, purchase order, questionnaire, letter or tax return.

Generally, data extraction is done through different stages. First, clients need to have the files scanned or retrieved online. Once the import stage is done, the application will then pass through the recognition stage where it will attempt to distinguish the scanned data. FlexiCapture is capable of analyzing different data and then transforming them into records.

Once encoding and recognition is done, users can verify the file content through a file format that is scalable. ABBYY FlexiCapture is compatible with a variety of scanning devices that support WIA, ISIS and TWAIN scanning protocols. Document images can be imported into the application from a folder and e-mail attachments from POP3 mail servers or Microsoft Exchange.

While image files are being imported from the folder, FlexiCapture can read associated information from the description file that accompanies it. Along with integrated scanning, ABBYY FlexiCapture provides remote document import that suits the requirements of enterprises with remote business processes or distributed locations, which prefer document scanning at the entry point for supplementary centralized processing.

ABBYY FlexiCapture also offers a user-friendly interface that is based on the Web. This is meant for remote scanning and requires no installation. To begin importing documents, a user only needs to launch a webpage link and log in.

Aside from these capabilities, the data capture software can accurately extract data as well as texts from fields specific for every type of document through its multi-language recognition technology. FlexiCapture supports up to more than a hundred languages, which include Japanese, Czech, Chinese, Korean, Hebrew, Italian, French, German and Vietnamese. It is also capable of recognizing bar codes for a wide array of one dimensional and two dimensional bar codes.

To ensure correctness, ABBY FlexiCapture software provides a set of validation rules that are predefined. With these rules, users can automatically check data against a database to ensure suited format. Any tailored rule can be supplemented using a scripting language.

To manually check correctness or validity of the captured data as well as the document structure, verification is done. To make the verification process simple and fast, ABBYY FlexiCapture offers a number of effective and easy to use verification modes that can be accessed through a Web browser. Extracted data can be exported in different destinations.

You can opt to export data to files, any business application, external databases, and Microsoft SharePoint. You can even save documents as searchable PDF files for compression or archiving purposes.

To manage user rights and keep track of the system performance, ABBYY FlexiCapture provides a console for monitoring and administration on the Web that allows 24/7 support and supervision wherever you may be. Roles and rights may be assigned to particular users.

If you are looking for information on ABBYY Software and ABBYY Recognition Server, click on the links.

If you are looking for information on ABBYY Software and ABBYY Recognition Server, click on the links.

Author Bio: If you are looking for information on ABBYY Software and ABBYY Recognition Server, click on the links.

Category: Computers and Technology
Keywords: ABBYY Software, ABBYY Recognition Server

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