Landscaping For a Sale

Landscaping is a process used to improve the beauty of a certain property or plot of land by planting trees, or designing a lawn. Many potential buyers make their first impression of a house based on how it looks from the outside. So for those homeowners who want to sell their property, it is important to pay attention to this design aspect, so that the value of their property goes up further. Ideally, the landscaping work should begin a month or two before the house viewings are held. Those with long-term sale plans can begin a few years in advance, since some landscape designs take a few years to mature.

According to real estate experts, appropriate landscaping can help improve the value of a home by up to 25 per cent, while a house with poor landscaping can see a drop in property values. Here are some ways in which landscaping can improve the value of a home:

Overall Design

Every element of the landscape design needs to fit in with the larger picture. Each element should have a place and a reason for being there, for it to avoid sticking out like a sore thumb. Some homeowners do the landscaping in stages, adding a bed of flowers one year and planting trees the other. Any such long-term landscaping should be done keeping the design of the whole area in mind, or the landscaping will look haphazard and unattractive.

Maintaining a Lawn

A well-maintained lawn is always the best starting point for a landscaping project. The lawn should be watered regularly, and trimmed and mowed well to increase the aesthetic appeal and look. Regular application of fertiliser is a must to keep the entire lawn looking fresh and green. However, it is necessary that one does not go overboard with fertilisers as it could give out unfavourable results. A few flower patches can also be planted in the lawn to relieve the monotony. The edges should be well cut, and the paths or driveway should be well-defined to improve the overall appearance.

Trees and Shrubs

A well-kept lawn can be beautified by planting flower beds, shrubs and trees. Some shrubs and trees take a relatively short time to grow, and will mature in a few months. Some others, however, take a longer time to grow. Trees that mature after a few years add a touch of beauty and provide shade as well. Trees that take a longer time to grow indicate that the owner has spent a lot of time in maintaining, decorating and preserving his house. It also gives the impression that the owner has taken effort keeping the interior of the house in great condition too.

Pruning and Maintenance

While landscaping for a sale isn’t enough to have a lawn and hedges, they need to be maintained. Lawns need regular de-weeding and hedges need to be pruned and trimmed to look neat. Try not to leave unnecessary items, like children’s toys or rubbish, lying around on the lawn as they detract from the neatness. Ensure that the driveway is cleaned and washed to prevent a build up of dust, grime or dirt.

Ben Greenwood is writing on behalf of Shepherd Gilmour, specialist Manchester city centre estate agents.

Ben Greenwood is writing on behalf of Shepherd Gilmour (, Manchester estate and letting agents.

Author Bio: Ben Greenwood is writing on behalf of Shepherd Gilmour, specialist Manchester city centre estate agents.

Category: Real Estate
Keywords: estate agents, letting agents, property to buy, property for sale

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