Romney Failure to Communicate

Just when you thought the heated presidential debates couldn’t get any more hilarious, we heard recently a major misstep by the Romney ticket. In fact, Romney has major failure to communicate and it’s plain to see. Let’s look at some of the political missteps that he has taken to this point, and you’ll see why he might not be the best bet for the American office of president.

First and foremost, while speaking to supporters in a private meeting he was caught saying that 47% of the American people don’t pay taxes and are waiting for a handout. That’s a great deal of people out there, and they will be speaking in unison with their vote. You better believe that Romney quickly back tracked on that, but Obama and Biden have made sure to remind the general public of that statement time and time again.

The second slip up was an interesting one, and something that really hits hard for those that hire and help illegal immigrants. We won’t get into the debate too much, but Romney was caught up in scandal as he started his campaign when it was found out that he hired a company that hired illegal immigrants to work on his mansion. He was then quoted in stating that he couldn’t have that because he wanted to run for president. I wonder if he told them to self deport after they finished cleaning up, in lieu of a paycheck?

If that wasn’t enough to nail Romney failure down into the mat, consider the most recent gaff live during the presidential debates. He mentioned that he wanted to hire more women in his cabinet, so what did he get? He received “binders full of women” and that set the Internet world ablaze. It wasn’t just pundits either, the whole crux of the net was alive and well with that line which may have come out wrong, but is now making political moves against him. Failing to say the right thing has always plagued presidential hopefuls, but this one seems to be taking off like wildfire.

Communication is key for any presidential hopeful, and so far both candidates have really run into some serious problems. Whether it’s Obama’s lackluster performance in the first debate, or it was Romney’s fudging of the numbers and back peddling on comments he made about the 47%, there seems to be a failure to communicate between both candidates. However, Romney seems to be the one that has been really poised to retract, replace, and recant on positions that he once felt so strongly about.

If you’re serious about voting this year, you’ll have to consider both sides of the coin, and look at whether or not Romney’s failures to speak to the American public with grace and sincerity will cost him the big win. Or will Obama’s resurgence in the second debate sway you to see why maybe he’s ready for another four years at trying to get American back to where it once was economically, the choice really is up to you. One thing’s for sure, this race is not short of missteps.

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Category: World Affairs
Keywords: Romney failure to communicate

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