Why Botox Injection is Too Popular Today?

The obsession with youthfulness has enchanted a lot of people, and it is even evidenced throughout history. From the interesting regimen of Cleopatra herself down to the desperate moves of Joan Rivers, you can see here the lengths that women and even men go to just to maintain that youthful appearance.

Today, there is more than just virgin sacrifice or going on voyages to find the elusive fountain of youth, people get Botox. You hear this so many times to a point where you look at movies and find yourself wondering why these celebrities are defying nature with their ridiculously flawless or wrinkle-free skin.

Although formulated to enhance the face to make it look younger, some go overboard with Botox. Whether they are misguided or simply doing some act of desperation, these individuals are not thinking of the poor aesthetic outcome that it might create. So they end up looking botched, lopsided and well pretty much scary.

Botox is supposed to relax the muscles, add more plumpness to the skin and create more defined contours of the face. But when it is done too much it can create uneven results with Botox filling the wrong areas. The worst thing here is that once you have it injected, there is no way you can suck it out again. You have to live with the results, whether bad or good for 6 months to a year. And this is both good and bad news. Good because the bad procedure can be relieved after Botox wears off, and bad because you have to face the world with a less recognizable version of yourself for that span of time.

But why do people go above and beyond what should be safely and appropriately given to them?

Sometimes, this can be attributed to poor advising. Although people have their own prerogative, I think the doctor should also be responsible to explain the repercussions better. Since they know better and that they should have good aesthetic judgment on whether what the patient is asking for would suit her, they should let a patient understand how doing too much work can adversely affect one’s appearance.

Those who do not have a realistic view of the outcome would have a tendency to demand for too much. They want to have plump lips like Jolie even though it doesn’t necessarily fit her profile well. Some also have too much done that they end up looking like wax figures because as it limits expressions. Some results also look too good to be true. For instance with Barry Manilow, no offense but he is a very talented artist and all but he has definitely overdone Botox and his look is actually not suiting for his age; making it obvious that he had some work done.

So how do you prevent getting too much done? Keep your expectations grounded in reality. Do not obsess too much on looking young and go on a meltdown at the first sight of a faint wrinkle. This is where most celebrities go wrong, but with an industry that demands for perfection sometimes you can’t blame them. But for ordinary people like you and me, take it slow because Botox injections can take you to a downward slope if you overdo it. Always remember that beauty isn’t always about perfection, so don’t obsess on that.

If you want a safe medical aesthetic services in Singapore, you can trust The Hair and Laser Clinic (www.hairandlaserclinic.com) to provide the good service. Through the expertise of Dr. Tyng Tan, they make sure that prior to any session they first provide a thorough assessment and consultation. Feel free to add +Dr Tyng Tan to receive latest updates.

If you want a safe medical aesthetic services in Singapore, you can trust The Hair and Laser Clinic (http://www.hairandlaserclinic.com) to provide the good service. Through the expertise of Dr. Tyng Tan, we make sure that prior to any session; we first provide a thorough assessment and consultation.

Author Bio: If you want a safe medical aesthetic services in Singapore, you can trust The Hair and Laser Clinic (www.hairandlaserclinic.com) to provide the good service. Through the expertise of Dr. Tyng Tan, they make sure that prior to any session they first provide a thorough assessment and consultation. Feel free to add +Dr Tyng Tan to receive latest updates.

Category: Aging
Keywords: botox injection,anti wrinkle injection,skin care tips,aging,cosmetic treatment

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