Golf Fitness – What Equipment Do You Need?

Many people credit Tiger Woods with bringing golf fitness to the game. However, there were players prior to Tiger realizing the benefits of golf exercise such as Gary Player. With all of the newer technology, research has given us clues on how to improve our game away from the course when we are working out. Depending on your goals, to be a top level player, doing golf exercises and watching your nutrition is a must. Below we will discuss a few of these different areas.

Golf Fitness Nutrition – Again, your nutrition will depend on your goals that you have set for your game. If you are a casual golfer and are out to have fun with your friends, have at it and enjoy yourself. However if you are playing a “serious” round of golf, what you put in your body can affect your performance.

Golf Fitness Workouts – This is an area that has really helped golfers become more efficient with their swings. Training the core muscles of the body are important as well as keeping flexibility within the muscles.

Golf Fitness Equipment – You may go to a gym to work out or you may do it in your home gym. Either way, the following equipment can help you reach your goals.

Swiss Exercise Ball – We have all seen these extra-large balls at the gym. They are a very flexible piece of equipment as you can perform multiple exercises on them while strengthening your core muscles. Of course you can do sit ups on one of these balance balls, but you can also do a lot of chest and shoulder work while keeping your core engaged. The other good part about them is that they are inexpensive.

Medicine Ball – This term scares many people as they think that this is only for hard core workout fanatics. This is simply not true. Medicine balls come in many different weights such as five, eight, ten and twelve pounds. Many people are surprised how much work it is to take your golf stance with a five pound medicine ball and slowly go through their golf swing. This is actually strengthening the muscles that you will use during your golf motion.

Exercise Bands – Resistance bands are very versatile. Many people do not think that these bands can give much of a challenge. They simply have never used them before. Not only do they allow you to improve your flexibility but they can play a big part of building muscle as well. If you have to travel a lot, bands are very easy to pack as they do not take up much space and can turn a hotel room or a nearby park into a workout station.

Weighted Golf Club – This in conjunction with a medicine ball will really help you to build the core muscles needed for golf. You will want to make sure that the club is properly weighted throughout the entire club and not just a lot of weight at one end. Having all of this weight at one end will not feel like your golf swing and cause problems to arise with your current motion.

Golf Fitness DVD – For those of you with a home gym, using a fitness DVD is a great way to get in a workout. You can have the best personal trainers working you out on your schedule. Although many think that yoga is strictly for stretching, there are forms of yoga that will make you sweat and build strength as well as improve your flexibility. Keep an open mind and try new things as doing the same workout over and over will not only get old but will also not challenge your body to change.

Go to Wireless Golf Coach to learn more about Online Golf Lessons and Golf Fitness

Go to Wireless Golf Coach to learn more about Online Golf Lessons and Golf Fitness

Author Bio: Go to Wireless Golf Coach to learn more about Online Golf Lessons and Golf Fitness

Category: Sports
Keywords: Golf,Online,Golf lesson,golf class,learn golf,sports,tech,learning,fitness,diet,mobile, tips

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