Worries Increase for the Boeing Company

Worries Increase for the Boeing Company:

Last week, Boeing’s 787 model planes called as dreamliner jets gone through a series of hurdles as in a single week two or more than hardware problems of the aircrafts was flashed in the news. Until then, the administrators of 787 planes were not that much concerned as the passengers of Boeing are not still panicked about these problems. The shares of the company, surprisingly, moved in to positive territory in the mid session.

But, there were rumors about federal aviation administration can take steps against 787 planes. This week, the rumor became true. Another backlash is now being faced by Boeing Company as the federal aviation administration has decided to ground all jets of dreamliner 787 jets from all airline carriers of USA.

Two major airlines of Japan, like all Nippon airways & the Japan airlines have decided to provide a ban on using all 787 aircrafts in their service. They have also said that they are suspending the 787 fleets voluntarily. They decided to do so, because on Wednesday one of the 787 fleet of dreamliner had to make an emergency landing in the middle of its flight as the battery system of the plane started to have an overheat reaction.

According to the reports of flight pilot, the lithium ion battery system of the fleet looked liked as it has caught fire. A burning smell was also reported in the cockpit & the cabin of the air fleet. There were also reports of leaking fluid form the battery system of the 787 air fleet.

Just one week ago another landed battery system of 787 air fleet was reported to be caught on fire in Logan international airport at Boston. A pilot of another airline sawed it from far & reported it to the administration.

All Nippon airways of Japan were the first airlines which introduced the service of dreamliner jets. Both all Nippon airlines & Japan airliners started to use 24 aircrafts of 787 from total 50 air fleets of dreamliner jets.

The federal aviation administration suggested that a corrective action plan is needed before the US flights resume the aircraft to be on the services again.

As the series of mishaps that went on with 787 air fleets like leaking of fuel, problem in the brakes, complain of a cracked window of the cockpit & now latest battery problem, it looks like there are several rooms for the federal aviation administration to question about the safety & reliability of 787 dreamliner jets.

These reports are quite a setback for the dreamliner projects of Boeing Company. The air fleets were assumed as a highlight for the Boeing Company as there is lots of latest technology which has been applied to this new designed air fleet. It was hoped that it will change the experience of travelling of the passengers & also get back the reputation of the company.

This fuel efficient air fleet can still come up, if some positive correction reviews is applied & monitored by FAA. After the corrections, these planes are sure to be on highlights once again.

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Category: Finances
Keywords: Dow Jones, United States, ASX, Dollar index, Brent Oil, Gold, Citi group, Bank of America, Earnings

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