Putting Drills – A List of More Than You Can Imagine

I say it ALL OF THE TIME…the quickest way to lower your score is to improve your putting. One way to do that is to use putting drill to improve your stroke. Here are a few different types of drills that different players use:

Golf Putting Drills – Now that you have delegated time to practice your putting, how can you best use your practice time to improve your putting? Since putting is dependent on distance and line you will need to decide which one needs more works. Hint…more than likely it is getting the ball on the correct line

Putting Drills For Beginners – Some beginners are resistant to using drills but what they need to realize is that players of all levels do drills. If you are a little embarrassed to use one… simply get over it because players on every single tour are using them. They are great o provide you with structured learning and obtaining feelings that you may not get otherwise.

Fundamental Putting Drills – No matter what you are doing in life, there are always fundamentals that must be followed in order to obtain the goal that you are after. Golf is no different. The good news is that with the use of drills, you will gain the feeling and awareness needed to effectively perform the stroke when playing.

Putting Practice Drills – Practice does not always have to be boring! Many drills can be turned into games. This will not only help keep your attention, but it will also put you in some pressure situations that you will face on the golf course as well.

Putting Drills Video – When appropriate, having video of you doing a drill can be good to show you the difference from what is happening when you are left to your own efforts. Be sure to keep on task with what you are looking for and do not all of a sudden create other challenges. For example, many amateurs are worried about how they look on video and not on how the stroke went. It is true and it is not just the ladies.

Putting Drills with Tees – As soon as you say the word drill, many people see themselves being bound up in some type of contraption. This is not always the case. You can use something as simple and as free as tees to help you create the putting drill that you need to improve your stroke.

Mobile Putting Drills – These drills are plentiful as you can find them in barrels on some golf websites. You can use your phone or IPad to come up with these drills to answer the putting woes that you may be experiencing.

Putting Stroke Drills – It is called a stroke. If they wanted to call it a hit…they would have. With the proper drill you can actually feel a stroke instead of a hit or a pop. With today’s maintenance practices, the ball must be stroked to allow it to roll. Creating a consistent stroke will also allow you to contact the ball with the same place on the face of the putter which will result in better distance control.

One Handed Putting Drill – Many players struggle with getting a putt started on the correct line. A very simple one-handed putting drill has help many students get the feeling and master the mechanics of what is to happen in a consistent putting stroke.

Maxx Johnson writes for Wireless Golf Coach. Click to learn more about Golf Lessons Online and Putting Drills to help you shoot lower scores!

Maxx Johnson writes for Wireless Golf Coach. Click to learn more about Golf Lessons Online http://wirelessgolfcoach.com/online-golf-lessons/golf-lessons-online and Putting Drills http://wirelessgolfcoach.com/online-golf-lessons/golf-classes to help you shoot lower scores!

Author Bio: Maxx Johnson writes for Wireless Golf Coach. Click to learn more about Golf Lessons Online and Putting Drills to help you shoot lower scores!

Category: Sports
Keywords: Golf,Online,Golf lesson,drills,learn golf,sports,tech,learning,internet,mobile,tips,how to,kids

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