Understanding When and Why to Report Players in DOTA 2

If you have ever played DOTA 2 then there are two things that you are probably already aware of. This being that the game can be extremely exciting and very fun, but the behavior of some players in game can lead you speechless at times. It is no secret that DOTA 2 players can sometimes be unfriendly at best, creating an extremely toxic gaming atmosphere, and this is why not too long ago Valve implemented a report system into the game. The report system allows you to report players that are abusive or intentionally abuse abilities or game features. The key to reporting players in DOTA 2 is knowing what kind of behavior you can and cannot report. Understanding what kind of player activity to report can help make DOTA 2 a better game for all.

The most common type of report you should submit is text abuse. Text abuse here refers to any kind of language in text chat that you find offensive. The problem here is determining what is and what isn\’t classified as offensive. With DOTA 2 being played by people from all corners of the world, it can be difficult to define text abuse in precise terms, but a quick and easy guide is that you should only report players that use vulgar and extremely offensive language whilst playing. If someone thinks you do not play very well and says you are not very good, then this obviously should not be considered text abuse. Text abuse should be used only situations where players repeatedly swear and use other extremely vulgar language. It also helps to remember that some players can become a little obsessed while playing, so be sure to be lenient and not report players for text chat that you would not normally consider extremely offensive or rude.

The next reason you can report players in DOTA 2 is for voice chat abuse. Again, apply a similar rule here as mentioned for text chat abuse. Only submit voice chat abuse reports for players who are extremely rude and constantly use offensive language. The good news is that you will rarely find players committing voice chat abuse while playing. The main reason for this is that players tend to be more aggressive or talkative when using a keyboard, but often rarely, if ever, use the in game voice chat feature. So with any luck you should not find yourself submitting these reports too often.

The third report category is intentional ability abuse. Just what is intentional ability abuse? It is the use of specific hero abilities in a way or manner that differs from their intended use. Ability abuse often creates an extremely unpleasant gaming experience, because one player constantly trolls or harasses another player with his or her abilities. A good example of intentional ability abuse is Pudge\’s hook. The hook is typically used for hooking in heroes in order to attack them or to save friendly heroes by hooking them out of harm\’s way. However, this ability can be abused if Pudge intentionally hooks friendly allies preventing them from getting last hits and earning gold, or by simply hooking them around the map for fun, something which is obviously no fun for the person on the receiving end of the ability abuse. Another example is Outworld Devourer. This hero has an ability called Astral Imprisonment that temporarily renders the target immobile by encasing them in a sphere which prevents them from moving or being attacked. Again, the intended purpose of this ability is to either help gank enemy heroes or save allies by preventing them from taking damage. However, this ability can be abused and used to harass or annoy friendly heroes. Players may abuse this ability because they don\’t want you in their lane, or they simply find it funny to keep imprisoning you, which makes DOTA 2 completely unplayable.

The final report category is intentional feeding. Feeding refers to the act of dying. Feeding the enemy is a term to describe the act of a player dying and giving enemy heroes both experience and gold. The key to submitting reports for this category is that any feeding done must be intentional. Players must deliberately run up to and be killed by the enemy and have no intent of trying to attack, defend or escape. There is a lot of controversy with this category because it can be extremely difficult to determine what is and what is not intentional feeding. New players may find that they die several times throughout a game, and this can lead other players to say they are feeding. While it may be true that they are feeding, they most certainly are not intentionally feeding the enemy. Another issue with reports for this category is that some players are very adept at deliberately feeding but making it look unintentional. So, before you submit any reports for this category be sure that the feeding done was intentional and not due to a player being new or unfamiliar with the hero they were playing at the time.

Before you submit any DOTA 2 player reports, be sure that you have correctly identified the report category and that you are certain the offense was intentional and done on purpose. It also helps to provide a brief description when submitting reports. This will make your DOTA 2 player report look more legit and authentic, helping keep your account in good standing while at the same time ensuring that game administrators can quickly and easily process your player reports.

Want to share your DOTA 2 player report with other players? Visit DOTA Report today and submit DOTA 2 player reports so other players can read them and help make the game better for all by sending griefers to low priority queue.

Want to share your DOTA 2 player report with other players? Visit DOTA Report today at http://www.dotareport.net and submit DOTA 2 player reports so other players can read them and help make the game better for all.

Author Bio: Want to share your DOTA 2 player report with other players? Visit DOTA Report today and submit DOTA 2 player reports so other players can read them and help make the game better for all by sending griefers to low priority queue.

Category: Computers and Technology
Keywords: dota 2 report player, report dota 2 player, how to report people in dota 2, report dota 2 player

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