Welcome to the Calorie Shifting Diet

When you are ready to shed a few pounds, a calorie shifting diet is the way to go. Have you put a diet off because you fear food restrictions, tough exercise plans and expensive meals? If you answered yes, then this diet is the right solution for you!

Let’s Talk About Diets

Anyone who has ever been on a diet, and that is likely everyone, has probably built in a cheat day. Cheat days follow this pattern. After five or six days of following a strict caloric intake, the dieter can enjoy a day or two of eating whatever he or she would like. But what is the point of blowing a week of diet work with 5,000 calorie cheat days?

This diet gives individuals an allotment of calories to enjoy as they wish. Most dieters fail because they feel deprived and give into these feelings. Few things are more frustrating to a dieter than dealing with failed diet after failed diet! The good news is, this diet is different.

It gives dieters permission to enjoy a few bites of dessert when they crave a sweet treat on, let’s say, a Tuesday. Dieters are not required to blow their diets on a Saturday, for example, when they have no junk food cravings just because that is a scheduled cheat day. Dieters have to follow a meal plan, but they can eat whatever their heart, or shall we say their taste buds, desire.

What is the plan?

Dieters eat four meals per day with at least two hours and 30 minutes, preferably three, hours in between each meal. The idea is to eat until you are no longer hungry, but not to eat past the point of comfort. The only other rule is to drink eight to 10 glasses of water in a 24 hour period.

After 10 days, the dieter resumes a normal eating schedule for three days. During this period, the only rule is not to adhere to the specified meal plan. As always, it is wise to consume foods in moderation.

The goal of most dieters is to realize weight loss that lasts. Few things are more frustrating than yo-yo diets that help individuals lost weight fast but then cause them to gain it back with just the slightest of deviations.

Why it Works

The added benefit to eating more calories on one day and less on the others is that is keeps the metabolism on its toes. Over time, the metabolic rate increases because it is working hard to account for ongoing changes. It never gets a chance to hit that dreaded plateau.

When calories are limited, the body goes into starvation mode, and instead of burning more, actually starts using fewer calories. The metabolism thinks it is going to need those, so it holds on to them as long as possible.

What are you waiting for? Get started with the calorie shifting diet today, and you will fit into your skinny jeans in no time!

Would you like to learn more about the fantastic calorie shifting diet? Please take a moment to visit us at CalorieShiftingDiet.info! to learn more about the only diet you will ever need.

Would you like to learn more about the fantastic calorie shifting diet? Please take a moment to visit us at CalorieShiftingDiet dot info to learn more about the only diet you will ever need. http://calorieshiftingdiet.info/

Author Bio: Would you like to learn more about the fantastic calorie shifting diet? Please take a moment to visit us at CalorieShiftingDiet.info! to learn more about the only diet you will ever need.

Category: Wellness, Fitness and Diet
Keywords: calorie shifting diet,best diet, does calorie shifting diet work,calorie,shifting,shift,diet,dieting

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