Tips For Choosing the Best Weight Gainer

Most bodybuilders know that protein is a key to meeting their nutritional needs. For a hardgainer, the Best Weight Gainer is a great way to ensure one is providing the calories and nutrients needed for the body. Not all these powders are created equally, and thus it is important to look at the qualities that one should have in order to make an informed decision before investing your money.

Initially these products included a fairly cheap protein powder that was mixed with fat and sugar to increase the number of calories it contained. The normal serving size was 128 ounces and the typical serving contains 3000 or more calories. The sugar went against what we now consider clean eating and the serving size was far from practical. In addition, even the protein supplied was often of poor quality. Today, it is still possible to find these products on the market and some still use them. However, there are better products available today.

Protein quality is a measure of how well it can be utilized by the human body. This value is its biological value, sometimes referred to as BV. The rating is calculated by determining the total nitrogen retained from the protein divided by the total absorbed when eating it.

This means the BV refers to how fast and how well the body can use the protein. Whey isolate with a BV of 159 s readily absorbed, but casein, a milk protein has a BV of 77 and lower in quality. Proteins with a lower BV are sometimes useful when one wants the slower absorption, as in just before bed, but in general, it is important to select the proteins with a higher BV rating to allow the body to get the most from the protein being ingested.

Bodybuilders will also want to consider the amount of sugar in the product. If it contains too much sugar, it can cause a spike in insulin as well as serotonin. This can cause a person to begin to feel drowsy and irritable. It may also cause headaches. While it does not cause problems for everyone, it can in those who hare more sensitive. The insulin spike also can cause the body to store fat. Better products will offer sugar in the range of 30-60 grams per serving.

Another factor to consider is the ration of carbohydrates to proteins to fats. Carbs are needed to aid in protein absorption. Fats (avoid saturated fats) can help to pack on the mass by increasing the calorie content. In general, a good ratio is for carbohydrates/proteins/fats is 4/2/1.

Today, it is also becoming common for many people to mix their own supplement. It is effective and fairly easy. One easy recipe includes a good quality protein powder mix with a few tablespoons of canola or flax oil and fruit for flavor. Add peanut butter or processed egg whites to increase the protein and calories.

The choice is up to you buy or mix your best weight gainer. Be sure that your are providing your body with the nutrients it needs. Always consider your own optimal health.

Get a summary of the benefits of taking muscle growth supplements and more information about the best weight gainer supplement at now.

Get a summary of the benefits of taking muscle growth supplements and more information about the best weight gainer supplement at now.

Author Bio: Get a summary of the benefits of taking muscle growth supplements and more information about the best weight gainer supplement at now.

Category: Wellness, Fitness and Diet
Keywords: Best Weight Gainer, Weight Gainer

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