Your Ultimate Walkthrough For House Cleaning

The best philosophy you should follow when it comes to house cleaning is “never let mess and clutter build up”. However, this may not be as easy as it sounds; some days maybe too tired or other tasks are more urgent. To help you manage your house cleaning process more easily, read below for your ultimate walk through, room by room.

The Kitchen

While in the kitchen, you should first focus your attention on the refrigerator. Make sure you clean up any spills as soon as they happen, they will be easier to wipe out. Go through the shelves and discard any products that have expired or that no longer look very appealing. When you close that refrigerator door, make sure you give a good wipe as well.

Next, head to your pantry and throw away any empty containers, glass jars, or packages you have no use for. Last but not least, make sure you clean the table and put your plates in the dishwasher as soon as you finish your meal. This will leave your kitchen looking spotless and you won’t have to worry about cleaning it later.

The Bathroom

Make sure you keep a dry cloth somewhere near your sink, so that every time you wash your hands or brush your teeth, you can wipe the mirror and the faucets so that lather does not build up. Instruct your other family members to do the same. Before you finish your bath or shower, remember to also give your stall a good rinse.

The Laundry Room

Don’t postpone all your laundry chores until the weekend. Try to do a couple of loads during the week. For example, next time you’re on the phone, you can multitask and load the washing machine at the same time. If you have enough space, you can invest in a second hamper, so that you can more easily sort your clothes: one for darks and the other for lights.

The Bedroom

Whenever you’re vacuuming the room, make sure you don’t forget to also clean under the bed as this is the spot where the most dust tends to accumulate. Take some time at least once a month to check your nightstand and dresser so as to get rid of anything for which you no longer have any use: expired make-up products, empty bottles of perfume, or old magazines.

The Family Room

Go through your mail on a daily basis and toss anything you don’t need, such as catalogues or advertisements. Buy a small basket and use it to store remote controls or keys, so as to ensure you never misplace them again. When you’re vacuuming the room, make sure that you also clean any lampshades and the back of the TV.

This completes our room by room house cleaning walk through. The tips presented above are easy to implement and they will ensure that your house will always look clean and tidy; not to mention the fact that they will also save you a lot of time, which you could use to spend some quality moments with your family.

For more information, please visit our Stapleton Maid Service website.

For more information, please visit our Stapleton Maid Service website

Author Bio: For more information, please visit our Stapleton Maid Service website.

Category: Home Management
Keywords: Stapleton Maid Service

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