The Pros and Cons of Stay-At-Home Jobs

Working from home can include many professions whether it is a freelance writer, technical support, or running your own business. No matter which stay-at-home job you may be interested, the advantages and disadvantages are basically the same. In our world with Internet, video messaging and instant communication, working from home is a common occurrence but just like anything else, there are pros and cons.


– First of all, working from your home provides flexibility in scheduling. If you have children or a second job, staying at home will allow you to easily organize your work schedule around other activities.

– Many people commute more than forty-five minutes for their job. Staying at home will save you time and money. Why not save the money you would spend on fuel, and take a nice vacation?

– While working at home, there is no one to stand over your shoulder, no bosses constantly knocking on your door or coworkers stopping by to chat. If you\’re lucky enough to have a separate room that you consider an office, productivity can skyrocket.

– With a home office, you can write off certain business expenses on your taxes such as expense-tracking software, insurance, copies, and any supplies that assist you with your job. Get help from an accountant if you aren\’t sure what\’s considered a proper deductible item.

– Let\’s not discredit the convenience of being near your own kitchen with your own food and not shareing an eating space with coworkers or worrying about them stealing your lunch. You won\’t have to rely on fast food or frozen meals on your breaks and you could fix yourself a substantial meal.


– Surprisingly, it can take self-discipline to make yourself work while you are in your own home, with distractions from television or housework. Even though you are working out of your house, treat it like an office to remain productive.

– If you are a stay-at-home mom with young children, it may be easy to become distracted with their daily routine.

– It goes without saying that there is camaraderie in an office environment that some people may miss when they start working from home. Make it a point to make time for your friends to get a social fix.

– Many people like the idea of working away from home for a job because it allows them to separate job obligations from home obligations. If you are working at home, it can be difficult to keep your personal life and professional life from interfering with each other.

– If you are telecommuting for a company, you don\’t have a manager evaluating your performance based on what they see at the office, your performance will likely be based completely on numbers and stats from reports.

A stay-at-home job works for people that appreciate a flexible schedule or saving money on a commute while the social aspects may keep others in an office. Either way, there\’s a job for everyone.

Are you looking for more information regarding Stay-at-Home Jobs? Visit today!

Are you looking for more information regarding Stay-at-Home Jobs? Visit today!

Author Bio: Are you looking for more information regarding Stay-at-Home Jobs? Visit today!

Category: Internet
Keywords: home office,start working,home obligations

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