Making Money Online – A Myth or Reality?

If you\’re like me, you are bombarded daily with offers to \”make six figures a year online\” and \”how I made ten grand this month\” or even \”buy this program and make $1,000 or more per day!\” It seems that the \”Making Money Online\” niche has become mostly about getting us to buy programs or systems that will make money for someone else… the guy selling it to us. I don\’t know about you but my goal is to make money for myself, not line somebody else\’s pockets with my hard-earned cash!

Let\’s Get Real

It\’s a fact – most people are NOT making money online! We buy the \”secret system nobody else knows about\” and try it for a few days. Soon we get disillusioned. Discouraged, we to move on to the next latest and greatest thing that is supposed to make us rich. All we really end up learning is How to Spend Money Online!

Now, I\’m not saying you can\’t make money online – of course you can. Plenty of people have, and plenty more are still doing it now. You just need to focus your efforts. The gurus are going to hate me for saying this but STOP spending your money on new programs – I mean it, stop right now! I\’m sure you already have a few, if not dozens, of systems and programs saved on your computer that you spent a lot of money on. Don\’t buy any more of them; instead focus your efforts on creating your online business now.

Don\’t Get Paralyzed By the Fear of Starting

Do you remember the late-night infomercial called no money down or something like that which was supposed to make you rich buying real estate? (Yes I bought that too!) Well pretty much the one and only thing of value I remember from that course is the phrase \”analysis paralysis.\”

Analysis paralysis means overanalyzing everything, doing so much research and thinking, that you never actually take action. Well the phrase applies to internet marketing too. Stop being paralyzed by the fear that you don\’t know what you\’re doing. Just get started!

You Mean It\’s Actually Work?

Don\’t fall for the next great thing that promises to \”make you money without doing any work.\” Here\’s a not-so-secret tip: only people like Paris Hilton and the Kennedy heirs get money for nothing. The rest of us have to work. If anybody tells you different and you believe them then I\’ve got a bridge to sell you… !

But there are many different kinds of work. Installing a new roof on a house is hard work; digging a ditch with a hand shovel is hard work; being in the military and away from your family for months at a time is hard work; you get my drift. Making money online is not \”hard\” work – but it is work! So stop thinking you can buy some program, and then the money starts rolling in automatically. You must take action and put in some effort to make this business happen for you. The great thing is you can do it in your pajamas (or naked if you want), on your own schedule, at your own pace, and be your own boss. It\’s work, but its \”easy hard work.\”

Here are Three Simple Steps to Make Money Online

Whether you\’re new to internet marketing or have even made a bit of money at it, making substantial income online seems like a daunting task. There are so many systems out there that promise huge profits that it\’s difficult to know which is legitimate, and which will lead to more of the same – wasted time and money. But here\’s the solution. Just focus on these three simple steps and you will be on your way to creating consistent online income for yourself and your family. You will be building a business.

Step One: A Targeted Offer

Even with the best marketing campaign on the web, if the product or service you are offering does not appeal to the target market, it will fail. Whether you create your own product or you are offering a product or service as an affiliate marketer, you must properly target it for success. An ad for a weight loss product that shows up on a site for marathoners usually fails (avid marathoner struggle to gain weight!). A system for success in online trading that is emailed to an online payday loan vendor\’s customer list which is also an unsuccessful idea (if they need a high-interest loan just to make it to their next paycheck then they are not investing in the stock market!). These extreme examples are on purpose. So you can see what I mean – you must target your offers to the right traffic if you want any chance to make money.

There are two ways to approach your Targeted Offer and it\’s so simple, yet so many internet marketers don\’t do it. Start with the market OR start with the offer. Pick your offer then pinpoint the perfect target audience to pitch it to; or flip it around and identify a good target market you want to focus on, and then tailor an offer that will appeal to them. It really is that simple but many just go for the shotgun approach. I just don\’t get it. They have a target market or an offer and just blast away at it! That\’s a waste of ammo and the ammunition is your money! Get smart and create a truly Targeted Offer.

Step Two: A Sales Funnel that Converts

Let\’s say you have the best offer on the internet today and you have picked the perfect target audience for it. Unless you can now convert those prospects to actual \”customers\” you still won\’t make any money. You need to convince people to sign up for your service or purchase your product. Statistics show that a customer needs at least seven exposures, on an average, before deciding to buy. But if you are only getting one chance to make an impression and they don\’t purchase right away what do you do?

The answer is to create a Sales Funnel that converts your prospects into customers. Your funnel should start with a landing page with a compelling opt-in that captures your prospect\’s information. You don\’t need much, maybe just an email address – but that\’s enough to do a messaging campaign that brings them back to your sales funnel time and time again. Have you ever poured liquid into a funnel? It swirls around and around until it finally goes down the hole. That is your prospects – keep them swirling in your funnel until they take your offer and go down the hole. What\’s at the bottom of the hole? Your wallet!

Step Three: TRAFFIC!

Remember \”Build it and they will come?\” Great movie, but this isn\’t fantasy land or Hollywood. Just throwing something on the web and hoping for customers doesn\’t work. It\’s a lot easier than building a baseball diamond in your corn field, but it still requires some effort on your part to get potential customers to it. You need to drive traffic to your offer to make things happen.

There are many different ways to get traffic, such as solo ads, pay-per-click, banner ads, social media ads, and the list goes on and on. I could write a whole separate article about ways to generate traffic. In fact there have been entire books written on the subject. But in the constantly changing and evolving world of internet marketing you need to search out the most current information about creating traffic. There is a truckload of online resources to help you in this process. My suggestion is to search out forums that are frequented by the internet marketing faithful. Hook up with people that are already doing what you want to do and use their knowledge to avoid costly mistakes. And I don\’t mean go and buy the latest pitch about \”how to get millions of leads to your website while sleeping.\” There is plenty of free information out there at your fingertips to help you along.

Yes Making Money Online Is Possible!

You aren\’t trying to invent a new wheel here; all of this has been done before! Refer back to the three steps above as often as you can to remind yourself of the simple process to make money online. And the best part is you can do it over and over! There are tons of quality products and services out there for you to offer to your prospects. Or if you have some specific knowledge of a particular topic, or a specific skill that could be valuable to others, create your own product and pitch it to a targeted market. The possibilities are as endless as the internet itself!

I frequently send out tips and info about internet marketing topics – subscribe to my list by visiting the link below. You can also watch a free video that contains valuable info about a marketing tool you can use, to help you create and manage your successful online business. Below the video you can sign up to try this tool for free! No strings attached, no catch, no gimmicks and no hard sell.

Thanks for reading. Contact me at any time with questions. I\’m always here to help. Here\’s to success in your online endeavors!

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Are you looking for more information regarding Making Money Online? Visit today!

Author Bio: Are you looking for more information regarding Making Money Online? Visit today!

Category: Internet
Keywords: money online,make money,making money online

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