When Diet and Exercise Aren’t Enough: How a Woman Can Reclaim Her Hourglass Figure After 40

In the years leading up to menopause, a woman may experience a variety of symptoms. Oftentimes, though, one of the most difficult changes for a woman to accept is the weight gain that typically goes hand-in-hand with her fluctuating hormone levels. Putting on some extra pounds is a common and natural part of the aging process; nevertheless, it can negatively affect one’s self-esteem. This can be particularly frustrating for a woman who has maintained healthy eating habits and a general level of fitness throughout her life. Due to a slowing metabolism brought on by menopause, she may need to consume fewer calories, or burn more calories through exercise, in order to simply maintain her weight.

During the menopausal transition, which occurs most often between the ages of 40 and 55, a woman can expect to lose lean muscle mass and simultaneously gain approximately 12 to 15 pounds – even if she continues to eat right and exercise as she had previously. And, rather than evenly distributing itself throughout her body, this excess weight will tend to settle unattractively around her midsection, making her figure appear more rounded. The hourglass figure of her youth may slowly take on the undesirable shape of an apple.

What’s more, a woman’s concerns about her softer, plumper body should extend beyond mere aesthetics. Indeed, carrying excess weight can also increase her risk of serious health conditions, such as heart attack, stroke, high blood pressure, osteoarthritis, and breast cancer, among others. Therefore, to combat these extra pounds, a woman over the age of 40 would be well advised to begin with lifestyle changes, such as increased aerobic exercise, proper hydration, adequate rest, and a healthy diet that incorporates proper vitamins and nutrients. Then, if her weight gain continues to no avail, she may choose to consult with an experienced cosmetic surgeon about her surgical options.


Liposuction is a surgical procedure intended to work in conjunction with diet and exercise to eliminate localized pockets of stubborn fat and improve the overall contour of the body. The best candidates for lipo are individuals who maintain a relatively normal and stable weight and have sufficient skin elasticity. Common areas treated in women over 40 include the abdomen, flanks, hips, thighs, and back.

Typically, liposuction necessitates one or more small incisions, which a surgeon will try to make in the natural folds of the skin in the area to be treated. The surgeon will then repeatedly insert a cannula, or thin suction tube, through which excess fat cells are broken down and extracted from the body. The results can be long-lasting if the patient commits to maintaining her weight.

Brazilian Buttock Augmentation

The shape and height of the buttocks are important features in creating the desirable “S-curve” of a woman’s back, which, along with a rounded derriere, is a key element of an hourglass figure. Through a Brazilian buttock augmentation procedure, a surgeon can create an attractive, feminine curve with liposuction, fat transfers, and tissue manipulation.

A Brazilian butt lift begins with liposuction to remove bulges from another area of the body, such as the stomach, flanks, hips, lower back, or thighs. During this initial procedure, excess fat is gently harvested through a cannula to protect the live cells. The fat is then purified, after which small amounts are injected into the muscle layers of the buttocks to create a more well-defined, shapely rear.

Breast Augmentation

Finally, a woman who has naturally small breasts or breasts that have lost volume due to aging, pregnancy, breastfeeding, or weight loss may be able to achieve an hourglass figure through a breast enhancement procedure. Her breasts can be enlarged with implants to a size that matches and balances her hips, which will add shape to her upper body and make her waist and lower back appear smaller in comparison, thus balancing out her silhouette. In addition to increasing her breast size, breast augmentation surgery can restore the firmness and shape of her breasts, and also improve their symmetry.

When performing breast surgery for the placement of implants, a surgeon will first create a pocket behind each breast. A silicone or saline implant is then placed in each pocket through a small incision made either under the breast, at the armpit, or around the lower edge of the areola. If the patient has sagging breasts – a trait that breast augmentation alone cannot treat – a breast lift may be performed at the same time to remove excess skin and reposition the breasts higher on the chest wall. A qualified surgeon can guide a woman’s decision-making with respect to breast enhancement, including implant type, size, and incision placement, among other things.

Consult with a Board Certified Plastic Surgeon

The years prior to menopause can present challenges for even the most active and self-disciplined women. Any woman over the age of 40 who is interested in exploring cosmetic surgery as a way to reclaim her hourglass figure should consult with a highly skilled plastic surgeon who is Board Certified by the American Board of Plastic Surgery.

Katie Perry is an online content editor in the Tampa Bay area. She posts articles about plastic surgery topics and procedures including liposuction and other cosmetic surgery procedures.

Katie Perry is an online content editor in the Tampa Bay area. She posts articles about plastic surgery topics and procedures including liposuction and other cosmetic surgery procedures. http://bayshoreplasticsurgery.com/

Author Bio: Katie Perry is an online content editor in the Tampa Bay area. She posts articles about plastic surgery topics and procedures including liposuction and other cosmetic surgery procedures.

Category: Wellness, Fitness and Diet
Keywords: cosmetic surgery, liposuction, breast augmentation

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