Best Way to Lose Weight / No Surgery

You have considered using surgery to lose weight but are concerned about the side effects. Diets though, simply have not worked and surgery is looking more and more viable. Let’s examine the pros and cons of surgical and non-surgical methods to lose weight.

Surgery has the obvious benefit. Whether you use liposuction or gastric bypass you will lose weight either immediately (liposuction) or rapidly (gastric bypass). If weight loss is your only goal then mission accomplished.

However let’s look at some of the side effects of surgery. The most immediate is the risk of the surgery itself. Studies indicate a 1% mortality rate for those having surgery. That is one in every one hundred. You have a significantly higher chance of dying from surgery than winning the lottery (about 100X greater). In addition you will have to make changes in your lifestyle to support your surgery and not regain the lost weight. In short, you will have to ‘diet’ after your surgery. Along with the need to restrict your food intake, you may experience some very unpleasant side effects such as:

* Body aches

* Dry skin

* Hair loss or hair thinning

* Mood changes

While these may go away with time, the question is why would you subject yourself to these complications and risks? If you are going to have to restrict your food as a result of your surgery or to sustain your surgery (liposuction) why not begin with a healthy way of eating first and get used to it and lose weight the non-surgical way.

* Do not eat foods that contain a lot of fats, sugar, or carbohydrates.

* Do not drink fluids that have a lot of calories or that contain sugar, fructose, or corn syrup.

* Do not drink carbonated drinks (drinks with bubbles).

* Do not drink alcohol. It contains a lot of calories, but does not provide nutrition.

The points above are not recommendations for a regular diet. These are instructions for people who have gastric bypass surgery and these instructions are for life. No cheating allowed. Allow your brain to concentrate on those facts and then consider making a voluntary change to live a healthier life where you still have options.

Losing weight requires that you take in fewer calories than you expend each day through exercise and other daily activities. Creating a deficit of 3,500 calories is equal to losing 1 pound of fat. Decrease your food intake and increase your energy output. Make this your mantra. Tape it on your fridge. Less food; more exercise.


The simplest and most effective method of losing weight without surgery is the low carb, low saturated fat, high protein ‘diet’ not just for a period of time but permanently. Change the way you eat and think about food. Eliminate bread and rice from your food intake and watch the scale move down. This one simple change will dramatically change the balance of intake/output ration in your favor. Throw in vegetables for fiber and some limited fruit (easy on the sugar in fruit though); add some more activity in your everyday routine and you have started a permanent shift in the cycles of your body. You are giving your body enough fuel but more importantly you are using that fuel effectively daily rather than storing it. Bread and rice break down into sugar and become easily stored as fat. There are three

kinds of fat:

* Structural fat -This type of fat is necessary in the giving of support to all the organs.

* Normal fat – Fat that is stored as a reserve of fuel to be used when the intestinal tract’s supply of nutrients is insufficient.

* Excess/Stored fat – unwanted, unsightly, and dangerous

If your mirror tells you, you have an abundance of the last type of fat then reduce the foods that transform into storable fat the quickest and these include bread and rice. Moderate other carbs with high sugar content i.e. fruits and enjoy the carbs that have the added bonus of fiber i.e. low starch vegetables and you have begun a transformation that your mirror will show you in a short time. A decrease in white breads and rice will reduce the bloating your body experiences from water retention. The veggies have a diuretic effect, causing a further decrease in water retention. You will first see your body slim from the water loss; you will then notice a decrease in appetite. Add a brisk walk a day to further curb that appetite and you are on your way to the best way to lose weight without the use of surgery.

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Are you looking for more information regarding best way to lose weight? Visit today!

Author Bio: Are you looking for more information regarding best way to lose weight? Visit today!

Category: Wellness, Fitness and Diet
Keywords: lose weight, side effects, losing weight

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