How to Fix “Missing” Errors on Windows

There are times that you are just using your computer and then you encounter an error that you are not sure where it came from. One of the errors that you may encounter may involve the mciavi32.dll file. Understanding what DLL files are and how they are used in the computer could help you a lot in determining the best course of action whenever you encounter these errors. “DLL” is an acronym for Dynamic Link Library. A DLL file can act like an executable file but it will need something else to trigger it before it can work. It can be compared to as the shared libraries in Windows. Most applications that run inside a computer will be using these files.

Just like other DLL files, it is a component that is vital in ensuring that the programs installed in a computer work properly. These do not need to get changed that often but there are some cases that the file itself may get affected by any attack to the operating system. When a “mciavi32.dll” error occurs, a number of error messages may appear on the computer screen. Some of these messages are the following:

Can’t load mciavi32.dll

The program can’t start because *file* is missing from your computer. Try reinstalling the program to fix the problem.

…could not be found

…is missing or was not found

This will immediately indicate that it is either corrupted or missing and that the computer’s Windows registry is also affected.

Troubleshooting mciavi32.dll errors

In the event that the issue is that the computer cannot “find” not found” the file, it is quite easy to fix. You can just download one from a reputable source. You must then put in its appropriate folder in your system files. You also need to run the Command Prompt and then enter the command, “regsvc32 mciavi32.dll” then press Enter.

In cases like these, checking the registry for any other errors will become necessary. A registry optimizer can automatically check the whole registry in your computer to see if there are any other components along with this that may have gotten affected. Such an optimizer can also run a repair process to restore or relocate the necessary files.

There are also other things that you can try if you are looking to resolve issues with mciavi32.dll:

If you feel that you may have accidentally deleted the said file from your computer, it is best to open Recycle Bin and if you find it there, try to have it Restored to its correct location.

Running a malware scan in the computer can help see if there is malicious software that may be interrupting the programs that use it from seeing it. There are also cases where the malware may be “pretending” to be the file itself and when a computer program tries to look for it, it doesn’t see it and it goes “missing.”

Doing a System Restore can help. There may be a case when a certain component of the computer gets changed, including the file in question, when something new is done in the computer. If it was a very recent change, doing a System Restore can restore the computer’s status to its last known good setting and the “missing” file may be restored as well.

If the drivers are called by only one program and the error occurs only during this time, uninstalling and reinstalling the said program may be a way to fix the error.

Related to the fourth step, if the error coming from the file in question is related to a hardware issue, try to update the driver for the said hardware.

You can also try to do a rollback on the driver to a previous version as the next step.

For Windows 7 computers, you can use the SFC, or System File Checker, command from the Command Prompt:

Open Command Prompt but make sure you use Run as Administrator

Type in this command and then press Enter: sfc /scannow

Wait for the scan to complete. Once it is done, it will be able to tell which components were corrupted and which were fixed and which were not.

Running Windows Updates can also help in fixing any issues that may have occurred.

If the file issue is coming from Windows, you can also try to use the repair option with Windows to fix the operating system itself.

Fixing this issue is possible and with the right tools, you can have the matter resolved in just a couple of minutes.

If you are looking for registry repair to fix your computer errors, you can download free tools on reputable sites such as

If you are looking for registry repair to fix your computer errors, you can download free tools on reputable sites such as

Author Bio: If you are looking for registry repair to fix your computer errors, you can download free tools on reputable sites such as

Category: Computers and Technology
Keywords: registry error, registry fix, fix registry error, registry repair

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