How to Fix Windows Error Reporting Service Errors

Surely, most, if not, all of us have experienced a system crash at least once in our life. As soon as we reboot the computer again, automatically we are asked if we want to send an error report to the Windows website. This is the Windows Error Reporting Service at work.

The process that invokes the reporting service is “wermgr.exe”. It also does the job of keeping system configuration logs whenever any process has to abruptly close, or worse, if the system crashes. It then displays a message containing the logs and then sends a report to Microsoft.

While inherently a useful tool, many users complain that it slows down the computer drastically. This is because the wermgr.exe process runs when the computer is already having trouble with resources because of certain programs behaving abnormally. On top of this, it can also end up using a lot of memory because it must file formal reports regarding the errors encountered by your system.

Fixing the wermgr.exe error

Seeing errors like “wermgr.exe application error” and “not found”, are indicative of a problem with the file and its related programs, and warrant a system fix. Here, we present solutions to problems with the error.

Disabling wermgr.exe

One way to prevent getting error messages related to this file is to disable the Windows Error Reporting service.

To disable Windows Error Reporting service, simply follow these steps:

In Windows Vista and Windows 7:

1) Click Start. In the search box, type: “services.msc”.

2) Look for “Windows Error Reporting” in the items listed.

3) Double click the entry and click “Stop” if it is running.

4) From the options in “Startup Type”, choose “Disabled”.

5) Restart your system.

In Windows XP:

1) Click Start and look for Control Panel.

2) Look for “Performance and Maintenance” and click it.

3) Click “System”.

4) Click “Advanced” on System Properties.

5) A new window will appear. Find and click “Error and Reporting”.

6) Select “Disable Error Reporting” and click OK.

7) Restart your system.

But, what will happen if your system encounters a crash in the future? You cannot report them to Windows, at least not as conveniently as with the Windows Error Reporting software.

This is but a stopgap measure and is highly not recommended.

Perform a Virus and Malware Scan

EXE files are versatile files that can be found just about anywhere. That makes it an ideal vessel for malicious programs such as “Spyware, Trojans, Malware” and worms. Carelessly downloading files from the internet can get you a virus. Also, surfing virus-prone sites such as pornographic sites may result in your system getting infected.

There is actually a possibility that it’s not wermgr.exe that is running but a virus in disguise. If your system is infected, it may trigger a program than can corrupt files, leading to system errors. Your system is also at risk of losing important data when it is suffering from a virus attack.

Use Disk Cleanup

Running Disk Cleanup (Windows XP, Vista, 7, 8)

1) Click Start

2) Enter “CMD” in the search box.

3) Before hitting enter, hold “ctrl+shift”. A prompt that will ask for your permission will appear. Click Yes.

4) The command prompt will appear. Type “cleanmgr” and hit enter.

5) If your drive is partitioned, it will ask you which drive to clean. Choose where the exe file is located.

6) Wait for Disk Cleanup to calculate the space it can free from your system. The bigger your drive, the longer it will take. Please be patient.

7) Check “Temporary Files” and any other items that you want clean up.

8) Click Ok.

Clean the System Registry

Windows Registry stores program configuration such as program dependencies and references. Pretty much everything makes use of the registry – from controllers, to outside programs and even the system kernel. A simple error or corrupted file can cause problems for many files, especially if they are programs which share the same file.

It is good to develop the habit of constantly checking for problems in Windows Registry.

You can locate Windows Registry by typing “regedit” in the search box in the Start button. You can see from the Windows Registry window that it may be quite difficult to locate the file and its related programs by yourself. Windows Registry files are also very sensitive. A simple mistake can aggravate the problems you already have.

The good news is, there are many free registry cleaner programs available online. Most registry cleaner programs back up the system before performing any change so it’s ok to make some mistakes.

If you are looking for free registry cleaner to fix your computer errors, you can download free tools on reputable sites such as

If you are looking for free registry cleaner to fix your computer errors, you can download free tools on reputable sites such as

Author Bio: If you are looking for free registry cleaner to fix your computer errors, you can download free tools on reputable sites such as

Category: Computers and Technology
Keywords: best registry cleaner, registry cleaner, free registry cleaner

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