Detoxing For Life Series Part 9) When Detoxing Eliminate Sugar

This is Part 9 of a compilation of several articles to enlighten you and inspire you! I encourage you to jump in with both feet to detoxify your body, and begin enjoying all the benefits of the quality of life you were born to have!

Sugar Kills

No really. I absolutely do not take this lightly. I’ve experienced the damaging effects of sugar first hand, and have seen it slowly poison my loved ones. I lost my mom in 2007 and her sugar intake was a huge factor in her dilapidated quality of life. If I knew then what I know now I would have never, never, NEVER allowed her to have any sugar. Sugar is poison to the body, and is a highly addictive drug that is the foundation of virtually every crippling disease out there. Daily intake of sugar causes your body to remain in a constant acidic state, the ideal environment for disease. It even causes wrinkles!

Sugar Addiction

Sugar is so addictive, that in the movie, “Fed Up”, 93% of laboratory rats chose it over cocaine! Many food companies are aware of this, and have added exorbitant amounts of sugar into almost everything so that you literally CRAVE their food-like products. They want you to be ADDICTED to their food-like products, so you’ll buy more. Read the labels! Don’t be fooled by all the aliases the sugar and food industries have come up with to trick you. Here are 56 names for sugar:

1. Barley malt 2. Barbados sugar 3. Beet sugar 4. Brown sugar 5. Buttered syrup 6. Cane juice 7. Cane sugar 8. Caramel 9. Corn syrup 10. Corn syrup solids 11. Confectioner’s sugar 12. Carob syrup 13. Castor sugar 14. Date sugar 15. Dehydrated cane juice 16. Demerara sugar 17. Dextran 18. Dextrose 19. Diastatic malt 20. Diatase 21. Ethyl maltol 22. Free Flowing Brown Sugars 23. Fructose 24. Fruit juice 25. Fruit juice concentrate 26. Galactose 27. Glucose 28. Glucose solids 29. Golden sugar 30. Golden syrup 31. Grape sugar 32. HFCS (High Frustose Corn Syrup… Very Bad!) 33. Honey 34. Icing sugar 35. Invert sugar 36. Lactose 37. Malt 38. Maltodextrin 39. Maltose 40. Malt syrup 41. Mannitol 42. Maple syrup 43. Molasses 44. Muscovado 45. Panocha 46. Powdered Sugar 47. Raw sugar 48. Refiner’s syrup 49. Rice syrup 50. Sorbitol 51. Sorghum syrup 52. Sucrose 53. Sugar (granulated) 54. Treacle 55. Turbinado sugar 56. Yellow sugar *Bonus (Fake Sugars): Splenda Aspartame

Sugar Labeling

The sugar industry is so colossal that it has strong-armed the food industry into leaving out the recommended, safe, daily allowance on ALL your grocery labels! Go to your cupboard or pantry right now and grab anything. Read the label. Everything else listed, like protein, carbohydrates, etc. tells you how much of it is in the product, and then next to it it’ll tell you what the recommended daily allowance is. Not sugar. It doesn’t follow the rules. The label will reveal how much sugar is in the product, but the recommended, safe, daily allowance information is magically missing. Why? The recommended daily, safe allowance of sugar is about 30 grams. One soda has approximately 42 grams of sugar! If you eat a bowl of cereal with a glass of orange juice in the morning, you’ve already maxed out your ideal sugar intake for the rest of the day! The sugar and food industries DO NOT WANT YOU TO KNOW.


Both sugar and simple carbohydrates, like white flour or white rice, spike your blood sugar. Scientists have established that anything that causes a rise in your blood sugar results in inflammation. Inflammation is at the basis of virtually every disease process. Here are a couple of recommendations to help you balance your blood sugar:

* Eat about every 3-4 hours

* Avoid skipping meals

* Avoid eating large portions of refined carbohydrates

* Eat whole food snacks and meals that contain protein, complex carbohydrates,

and healthy, high quality fats and fiber


My name is Kolle and I am a fellow health nut and certified yoga instructor. Because of my long-lived passion for health and wellness, I was a little arrogant when I was approached regarding my participation in a detoxing program. I thought, \”I\’m already healthy. . .I already know everything there is to know about diet and exercise.\” Boy was I mistaken! I learned SO much, and would be honored to share A Step-By-Step Guide To Detoxing And Get Healthy. Here\’s my link:

My name is Kolle and I am a fellow health nut and certified yoga instructor. Because of my long-lived passion for health and wellness, I was a little arrogant when I was approached regarding my participation in a detoxing program. I thought, \”I\’m already healthy. . .I already know everything there is to know about diet and exercise.\” Boy was I mistaken! I learned SO much, and would be honored to share A Step-By-Step Guide To Detoxing And Get Healthy. Here\’s my link:

Author Bio: My name is Kolle and I am a fellow health nut and certified yoga instructor. Because of my long-lived passion for health and wellness, I was a little arrogant when I was approached regarding my participation in a detoxing program. I thought, \”I\’m already healthy. . .I already know everything there is to know about diet and exercise.\” Boy was I mistaken! I learned SO much, and would be honored to share A Step-By-Step Guide To Detoxing And Get Healthy. Here\’s my link:

Category: Wellness, Fitness and Diet
Keywords: detoxing, detoxing program, acidic, sugar, sugar-free, eliminate sugar,

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