Archive for the "Food and Drinks" Category


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Why Organic Food Production is Good for the Future

Organic food is the latest revolution when it comes to eating food. Not only does it represent a new way of preparing and ensuring food will be there on your dining table, but it is a lifestyle that can make both human society and nature a better place moving forward. Quite frankly, this is the […]

An In-Depth Look on Why Organic Food is a Hot Trend

Eating organic is currently the hottest trend that hit food during the last few years. With people growing largely concerned with health issues arising from genetically altered food, people are resorting to a more natural approach to get their food. Couple that with rising ethical issues regarding the treatment and future viability of both plants […]

Try These Four Quick and Healthy Meals

Some people believe that to make a healthy meal the cook has to slave in the kitchen for half a day and this after spending another half a day looking for fresh or organic ingredients. But none of this is true. Some of the healthiest meals take very little time and even organic ingredients can […]

Why Organic Food Makes Sense For Both Scientific and Practical Reasons

When you hear the term organic food, what is the first thing that comes into your mind? Something very scientific in nature and a bit too complicated to be understood by a layman? Actually, that’s not the case. Because once you get to know more about the concept behind organic food, you’ll be surprised that […]

Why Organic Food is Food for the Future

The trend towards organic food is arguably the biggest paradigm shift in food production since the agricultural revolution centuries ago. A system of methods completely different from the current system of procuring food, the organic system aims to revolutionize how we see, make, and eat our food. But beyond the seemingly futuristic implications of organic […]

Reasons Why Organic Food Can Change the Landscape of Food Production Worldwide

Let’s face it. Organic food is the biggest trend to hit the food scene in a long time. And it is shaping up to change the way that we eat and the way we acquire our food forever. Not only does it mean more nutritious food, but it also means nature can sustain our need […]

New To The World Of Wine? Here Are 3 Fun, Interesting Ways To Expand Your Knowledge!

Want a fun way to learn about wine? Many people these days are intimidated by the world of wines. There are so many labels, so many types and brands – and how do you even begin to figure out the proper food pairings? Well, one of the best ways to learn about wine is through […]

Italian Food – More Than Just Nourishment

Italian food is very popular in the United States, and rightly so. Italian dishes are simple, tasty, inexpensive and relatively healthy. No matter if you make roast, risotto, pasta, preserves, soups and sauces, there is something in the Italian menu for everyone. For centuries, Italian cooking has been based upon one simple concept: Food tastes […]

Get to Know Korean Food

If you are thinking about going out to a Korean eatery, go to Korea, or just try to cook your own at home, read on for an introduction to Korean cuisine. One of the things that makes Korean food stand out from others is that it has many different side dishes that are served during […]

How to Freeze Fresh Produce

No one wants to waste food. And in the summer months, sometimes you just can’t eat everything from the garden, or the prices are just so great you can’t resist buying extra. But then what? A great way to preserve vegetables for an extended time is to freeze them. You can also can them, but […]