Archive for the "Cancer Survival" Category

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Exploring the Medical Condition of Lung Cancer

Lung cancer, like all other cancers, is caused by a malfunction in the cells of the body which for whatever reason, embark on uncontrolled replication and growth. Cells undergo a cycle of birth and death many millions of times throughout the life of a person, but this is done in a controlled cycle which replaces […]

Breast Cancer in Men: The Warning Signs

Breast cancer is traditionally thought of as an exclusively female-related disease. But like breast cancer in women, breast cancer in men is the uncontrolled growth of the cells of the breast tissue. Breast cancer in men can be just as dangerous as breast cancer in women. More than 1,700 men are diagnosed with male breast […]

Preventing Death From Breast Cancer Through Diagnosis

One of the steps in an early diagnosis of breast cancer is self-examination. The techniques used to find small abnormalities in the breast are making a great difference for many women. Although medications have been refined there are still debilitating side effects, so early detection in most cases limits their use and greatly improves the […]

Dying For The Perfect Tan

How can something that makes you look and feel so healthy…be so bad for you? * Facts taken from the Skin Cancer foundation: * Cancer is the most common form of cancer in the United States. * More than 90% of all skin cancers are caused by the sun. * The risk for skin cancer […]