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All About \”Oxandrolone\”/\”Anavar\”

\”Oxandrolone\”/\”Anavar\” is an anabolic steroid derived from DHT. It is a very tolerant steroid by both women and men, however unfortunately it is fairly expensive and is found to be often counterfeited. This steroid is the perfect introduction into the world of steroids due to it being widely available and very mild. Female or male, […]

Why Bodybuilders Use \”Proviron\”

\”Proviron\” is an overlooked and interesting bodybuilding drug. Many bodybuilders purchase Proviron since it is an orally formation of DHT and with that, a Proviron cycle will deliver all the bad and all the good that DHT has to provide the bodybuilder with. When it comes to the good, the DHT in a Proviron cycle […]

What Exactly is \”SARM Ostarine\”/\”MK-2866\”?

SARM\’s represent an exciting and new category of drugs for performance enhancement which are highly unique to the PED market. For those individuals that are not familiar with this, here is a brief introduction. The term SARM is a short, abbreviated term for \”selective androgen receptor modulator\” and just as the term says, this category […]

The History of \”Oral-Turinabol\”

\”Oral-Turinabol\” is one of the slower steroids, generally when you are running an Oral-Turinabol cycle you won\’t notice any overly dramatic weight, mass and strength gains. However, the gains that you do notice will be of a much higher quality and have a much lower risk of any gyno or even estrogenic side effects such […]

The Basics About \”Clenbuterol\”

\”Clenbuterol\” is generally always known for bodybuilding. If you happen to be a bodybuilder, chances are that you have heard of this steroid. At the beginning levels, bodybuilders generally took ECA, however to become an intermediate bodybuilder Clenbuterol was very necessary. Although, purchase Clenbuterol and make use of it only when ECA is not enough […]

Why You Should Receive the Flu Vaccination

Every year flu season approaches and thousands of Americans head to their doctors, pharmacies, and other locations that distribute the flu shot to prepare for the onslaught on their immune system. If you’re one of the many people who decide against receiving this shot for whatever reason, you may want to reconsider your decision the […]

Reasons To Choose Laser Back Surgery Over Other Surgical Options

If you’re suffering from neck or back pain, you’ve likely sought out conservative treatment options such as pain medications and physical therapy. For many patients, these methods result in considerable pain relief, but they don’t always prove successful for everyone. If these approaches aren’t working for you, perhaps back surgery is a viable solution to […]

Facts About \”Oxymetholone\”/\”Anadrol\”

Anadrol, also known as Oxymetholone, is a type of anabolic steroid that is generally used to treat different types of anemia. Oxymetholone is a synthetic hormone that is very similar to that of testosterone. The oral forms of Oxymetholone are the only type of anabolic steroid that has received approval from the FDA to treat […]

Preventing Lower Back Pain

It’s easy to see why people want to steer clear of lower back pain, with all of its debilitating effects. Yet, almost everyone will experience it at some point during their lives. To keep the pain at bay, give some of these tips a try. Improving Your Posture Rethinking your posture is much easier said […]

Information Regarding \”Nolvadex\”/\”Tamoxifen\”

In males, Nolvadex, also known as Tamoxifen, is generally used by weight-training, steroid-taking athletes. A highly similar and alternative compound would be \”clomid\” or clomaphene citrate. These types of drugs are used for anti-aromatase therapy. In regards, this drug is commonly used for three main purposes. The first, would be to decrease the quantity of […]