Archive for the "Health" Category


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Possible Solutions For Neck Pain

Neck pain can arise due to a variety of causes, including overuse of the muscles, nerve compression, and even diseases like rheumatoid arthritis. Because it can result from such a range of sources, there are several tests that can be used to find the underlying condition. Depending on the symptoms you present, your doctor may […]

What Are the Causes of Nearsightedness and How Can You Prevent It?

Probably the most common kind of vision problem that people have these days is myopia, commonly known as nearsightedness. For nearsighted people, they can only see things clearly when they are up close, but when the object is at a distance, they will need glasses to see them clearly. The lens in the eyes of […]

Treatments That Don’t Completely Heal Hemorrhoids

Hemorrhoids, also called “Piles”, are basically inflamed blood vessels or tissues inside the anus or the rectum. Thousands or even millions of people suffer from this condition. The market offers plenty of hemorrhoid treatment available in order to ease the hot, uncomfortable and itchy feeling that hemorrhoids cause. But the treatments won’t cure it, it […]

Complications of Vasectomy Reversal

When men believe to be \”finished\” about having children, they undergo vasectomy, which is a surgical procedure that prevents the sperm from entering the semen. After a while, many of these men change their minds about their decision on not having children again. Once they have decided to have more children, they go to a […]

Is Neck or Back Surgery Always Necessary?

When an individual experiencing nagging neck or back pain, it’s not uncommon for them to question whether they’ll need surgical treatment. The good news is that the vast majority of those who are diagnosed with spinal conditions will not require surgery to find relief from their symptoms of pain and discomfort. The bad news is […]

Lumbar Spondylosis – Treatment, Causes & More

What is Lumbar Spondylosis? Lumbar spondylosis treatment is sometimes necessary when the anatomical components in the lower spine deteriorate, leading to spinal instability and/or the compression of a spinal nerve. The condition almost always affects individuals who have reached or exceeded middle age, though it is not completely unheard of for younger individuals to suffer […]

What is Degenerative Disc Disease, Anyway?

What is Degenerative Disc Disease and What are its Symptoms? Though you may have heard of the condition, you might still be wondering, “What is degenerative disc disease?” In short, it’s a spinal condition that is caused by the deterioration of the intervertebral discs, which occurs gradually over time. Intervertebral discs are pad-like structures that […]

Spinal Disc Herniation – What is it and How is it Treated?

A Basic Overview Spinal disc herniation occurs when the gelatinous center of an intervertebral disc exits through a crack or tear in the disc’s tough outer shell. This most commonly occurs as a result of degenerative changes that affect the spine as an individual ages. Sudden, severe impact – such as from a sports injury […]

Back Surgery For a Herniated Disc – When is it Necessary and Can it be Avoided?

What is a Herniated Disc? Before you delve into information pertaining to back surgery for a herniated disc, it may be helpful to learn a little bit about the condition first. A herniated disc occurs when the inner contents (nucleus pulposus) of an intervertebral disc escape through a crack or tear in the disc’s outer […]

Sciatica Treatment Methods

What is Sciatica? Sciatica treatment may be necessary for individuals whose sciatic nerve is being compressed by a misaligned, inflamed, or otherwise damaged component of the spine. The body’s largest nerve, the sciatic branches from the spinal cord in the lower back (lumbar spine) and travels down the leg, finally culminating in the foot. Symptoms […]