Archive for the "Entertainment" Category

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Houston Finest Entertainment Spots to Get Arrested

People always try to figure just what makes a great night out on the town. I guess it really depends on what you like to do most. For one of my friends (whose name I will not reveal to protect the not-so-innocent), his idea of the best time is to go out and see how […]

Houston Craziest Nightlife Night Involving Pepper Spray

No one ever figures that they will actually have something like this happen to them. You certainly won\’t see this in any Houston nightclub marketing that I am aware of, that\’s for sure. I don\’t think it\’s something a lot of people brag about that has happened to them. What am I talking about? Probably […]

Houston Craziest Nightlife Spots to Wake Up At

There are hundreds of things to do in Houston at night. Maybe not all of them will suit your tastes, and there are likely to be some places that you really would not want to go to if you have a choice. There are sometimes, however, where you lose the ability to choose and your […]

Houston Finest Entertainment Before Breakfast

The days where I am out around the city so late that it almost reaches breakfast time are pretty much in the past. I just can stay out and party like that anymore myself, but I am sure plenty of you can. Lucky for you when you are looking for Houston things to do in […]

Houston Funniest Entertainment That Makes You Cry

Whenever I am looking for something fun to do on the weekends and I have had enough of the dance club and bar scenes, I know it is time to go out and scout around for something that is going to make me laugh. Sometimes I want something that isn\’t just going to make me […]

Houston Finest Nightlife for the Biker Crowd

Far be it for me to say what is cool and fun to do. If you knew me personally, you would quickly figure out that I am no expert. One thing I do know a lot about, however, is finding interesting things to do in Houston. I\’m not just talking about doing interesting things for […]

Houston Finest Nightlife for the Last Day on Earth

It never hurts to be prepared. With everything we hear about Mayan calendars, alien invasions, zombies, asteroids crashing into the planet and more, at some point you are going to need to be ready for the eventual apocalypse. I know I am making a plan and as soon as I find out we are headed […]

Houston Funniest Nightclub Hook-Up Stories

I do go out a lot on the weekends and do a wide variety of things. I hit dance clubs, bars and many Houston nightclub concerts. Unfortunately for me, many nights I start out alone and end up alone. It\’s not by choice, trust me. I have had a lot of experiences, some goo, some […]

Houston Foolish Entertainment Even Cops Avoid

When I am thinking about where to go in Houston, I come to the realization that there are a lot of crazy things that I could be doing on my nights and weekends. Just like any big city, if you look hard enough, you are likely to find things that your mother would be ashamed […]

Houston Finest Entertainment Spots for the Ladies

If you check any Houston nightclub directory, you\’ll find lots of names of places that you might like to go. The problem is what might be an attractive trait for a place for us guys may not be the same for the ladies. It\’s only fair that the ladies get a fair shake too when […]