Archive for the "Religion and Spirituality" Category


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Gifts For a Hoppy Easter!

This year Easter is early with Easter Sunday falling on April 4th 2010. So it won’t be long before the kids are hopping about like mad hatters having devoured way too many delicious chocolate Easter eggs! So perhaps this year you are looking for an alternative to the usual Easter eggs? has got some […]

Your Spiritual Journey – Planets 5 & 6

When the twin is found, you plus your twin spark, plus all the learning of each one’s former incarnations, cialis price progress to the fifth plane for healing and preparation for the rest of the journey. When you move on from earth’s plane to the next, you will be in a loving, protected atmosphere of […]

Are You Frustrated At Being You And Can’t Understand Why Life Seems To Drag You Down?

Have you heard about enlightenment and decided that achieving ‘it’ will solve all your problems? Do you seek after enlightenment? Or do you wish you could magically work out how to be someone different? Once you have achieved that then life would be easy right? This might strike you as ludicrous in moments of clear […]