Archive for the "Self Help" Category

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A Little-Known Tension Release Technique

The stresses of life are often stored in our bodies. Anything that we are not able to handle through to complete resolution in the present moment gets stored in our cells for later processing. These tensions can relate to a task that we have yet to complete, an argument that is unresolved, or a pain […]

Self-Pity or Self-Compassion

There is a vast difference between feeling sorry for yourself and feeling kindness toward yourself. SELF-PITY When you see yourself as a victim, you indulge in self-pity. You are a bottomless pit of misery, and you may find yourself crying endless victim tears. You might say things like: * Why do bad things always happen […]

Do You Need an Anger Management Course?

A lot of people go to an anger management course. The reasons behind their going will vary and the results that they get from the courses will also vary. It is important that you know when you need to go to a course. What you will learn in the course is also very important. Who […]

What is Depression Counselling and Can it Help With Your Specific Issues?

Depression counselling is looked at by many people as a way to help them with their issues. The problem comes with deciding if this type of counselling will help you. To find out if this is for you looking at what it entails as well as what you are feeling is important. How the counselling […]

Mind Relaxation – Mantras, Chants and Affirmations

In the pursuit of self improvement, there are many techniques and methods that a person can use. Self introspection and meditation are the prominent methods of choice. There is another tool to use in meditation and that is the use of chanting mantras to release negative thoughts for enlightenment and awakening. A mantra is a […]

How to Make a Choice to Live in Faith Not Fear

Glen and Sydney have to rise early to partake in a phone call that happens each morning. This call is presented by the Vise President of marketing with carbon copy pro. He doesn\’t have to do the \”Wake up call\” each day, but he does because he truly cares about people. Each morning he has […]

Self Storage Facilities For Personal And Professional Use

Though the most common image in most peoples minds of self storage are the stereotypical rows of steel buildings with rolling garage doors, there is more to it that that. While much that is stored is, in fact, surplus to needs, these facilities provide an important service. One service they provide is space to store […]

The Vital Importance of Community

I\’ve been reading in many different sources about the research involving community and well being. In his best-selling book, \”Outliers,\” Malcolm Gladwell opens with a study done in a small Pennsylvania town called Roseto. In 1882, Italians who lived in a town of the same name, Roseto, started to come to the U.S. These people […]

Caretaking: A Covert Form of Narcissism

I used to think that caretaking was the opposite of narcissism. I thought that narcissists were people who demanded that others give themselves up to care-take the narcissist. I thought that caretakers were people who were programmed to take care of others instead of themselves. I thought that caretakers needed some healthy narcissism and that […]

Find the Type of Coaching For Your Needs

The industry of coaching is growing and today it is turning out to be extensively recognized moreover because individuals appreciate precisely how useful life coach course can be. Coaching is actually a somewhat new and unique line of work – dissimilar to psychology, therapy or counseling. The major distinction between coaching from these professions is […]