Archive for the "Self Help" Category

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Self-Love, Is it Possible?

Have you ever stared at yourself in a mirror? It is a surreal experience. When you stare deeply, un-halting for a period of time, the face in the mirror becomes almost unrecognizable. Weird! Is that me? What are those lines, those red spots, why does my nose look so big? Can I see inside the […]

Too Busy to Grieve

We are living in a society where keeping busy is considered the norm and is actually admired. We multi-task, and check off our to-do lists. But, is it what we need to do after losing a loved one? It is often suggested by our well-meaning friends and family “just keep busy” and we return to […]

The Power of the Human Mind

The power of the human mind is considerable even if we do not fully utilize it regularly. Your mind however can actively turn against you if you are not careful because the majority of people are bombarded with negative thoughts and self-doubts every single day. You may not even realise that much of what you […]

Learning to Free Up Your Mind

Learning to free up your mind and gaining control of this crazy world where we juggle life constantly may sound easy but if so, why don’t we all do it? Many of us remain fraught with tension and lose out on our ability to simply rest and recuperate. People seem generally burdened with problems, never […]

How to Use Your Inner Senses to Discern the Truth

The very nature of an Empath causes us to be a human lie detector. This ability has served me well in my career. Along with emotion, an Empath might use body language and an unknown intuitive sense in determining a person’s truthfulness. If fact, as an Empath, I am able to size up a person\’s […]

The Long Term Effects of Stress

There is much reported about the long-term effects of stress and yet for many people, they are living under extraordinary pressures and have no easy way seemingly to ease the pressures. Unfortunately in the current financial climate where people have to work harder, taking on extra jobs and having to juggle home and family life, […]

Find Peace of Mind

How wonderful would it be to be able to switch off from everyday problems and to find peace of mind? If it’s been so long since you felt anxiety free, then peace of mind translates to a ‘state of being’ where you are free from fear, worry or unhappiness. You simply exist. If you are […]

Letting go of the Past

Letting go of the past may be difficult but it is the best way to be able to move forward in life. As mere mortals, we struggle to let go of those bad situations and those negative emotions and events can overshadow all of the good things in life. We have to remember that the […]

How to Get a Good Night’s Sleep

If you’re one of the many people who find themselves groggy from the lack of restful sleep, it’s time to take some action. Being chronically sleep-deprived is one way to sap your physical energy, not to mention your interpersonal skills and cognitive abilities. There are many ways to banish nightly tossing and turning and finally […]

Celebrity Anxiety Disorders Unveiled

I would always be searching for that light at the end of the tunnel when it came to my anxiety disorder, but if you\’re in the same situation as I used to be, look no further then these famous names. The people you are about to read about didn\’t accept that anxiety would be a […]