Archive for the "World Affairs" Category


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Michael Jackson and the Death of Racism in America

©2011 all rights reserved To be a successful racist, you have to be able to identify your object of hatred. Without Identifiability, no racism can exist. Call them subjugants, the people you hate and want to do down, but…not too far down. Or you’ll run out of people to hate. As in liberal social work […]

Sept. 11 10th Anniversary Should Unite Country

Many preparations are underway to commemorate the 10th anniversary of the tragic events of Sept. 11, 2001. There is no signature statement to mark that date similar to the words that President Franklin D. Roosevelt issued regarding the Pearl Harbor Attack on Dec. 7, 1941 when he claimed that was a “day that will live […]

Tinkerbell Diplomacy in a Tinderbox World

[And you thought Jimmy Carter’s diplomacy was lunatic…] Dr. Robert Beeman ©2011 all rights reserved \”Tugging down her top to release a few more inches of magnificent cleavage, Delia Dallas leaned forward into Bart\’s drink and whispered urgently, \’So he’s over there shuffling and bowing and tinkling the teacups and…and…doing his Mr. Bojangles routine sucking […]

Suicide is Painless Did Christ Gather His People Together to Make Them Better Targets?

SUICIDE IS PAINLESS; IT BRINGS ON MANY CHANGES* Muslims are killing Americans because Allah says it’s ok. What is there about this that you’re not understanding? Dr. Robert Beeman ©2011 all rights reserved Islam is held to be a decent, kindly faith, contemplative and lovely to behold. Common wisdom suggests that this gentle religion is […]

I Met a White Man Who Walked a Black Dog

Forget the socialism; forget the arrogance. Obama and the Liberal Left have blessed this country far beyond our puny means of repaying him. Dr. Robert Beeman The only reason you and I can have this conversation is the Blessing that Mr. Obama gave to us by being elected. Blessing #1: Mr. Obama evaporated White Slave […]

Jihad and Pixie Dust

JIHAD AND PIXIE DUST IN INTERNATIONAL DIPLOMACY Ah, those zany al Quada guys – anything to make a point! Dr. Robert Beeman ©2011 all rights reserved Liberal/Progressive philosophy always trumps common sense. Its adherents will use any spin in order to fit uncomfortable facts into their mandatory ideological framework. Liberals require America to be guilty […]

How the Curse of the Internet Came to be Written

After having worked in the temporary employment industry since the early 80s, Saeed Sehizadeh set up his own temp agency in 1989. His timing was very good, because the shakeup in the S and L industry resulted in a big demand for temp workers in financial institutions. Mr. Sehizadeh\’s Los Angeles based agency became very […]

Should Blacks Vote For Obama Simply Because He\’s Black?

Say it ain’t so Tom Joyner. Do you really believe Blacks should vote for President Barack Obama in 2012, simply because he is Black? I clearly understand Joyner’s reasoning for making the absurd comment, but someone who has been a champion for speaking out against racism in America should know that you cannot complain about […]

Terrorism Studies Programs Incorporate Terrorism Theory and Fundamentals of Counter-Terrorism

Introduction United States counter-terrorism counter-terrorism operations have been forefront in the public eye throughout the past few months, given the elaborate operation to finally hunt down Osama bin Laden. As has been reported across multiple channels, this operation relied upon patient intelligence-gathering and analysis from multiple agencies. Without collaboration from numerous sources this operation would […]

Obama and Terrorism: America After Osama

In the last couple of weeks there has been a veritable never ending news cycle about the take down of Sept. 11 mastermind, Osama bin Laden. And while popular opinion is swaying back and forth on how and if he is really dead; there are infinite views on whether President Barack Obama handled this issue […]