Pushing Your List to Buy… Without Being Pushy

You have to start your marketing with the knowledge that people went to your website and opted into your list because they are interested in your information. Your autoresponder(follow-up) series needs to capitalize on that.

Your autoresponder series should provide content. Your job as a marketer is to create the link between the valuable information you are sharing on your topic and the benefits of your product or service. For instance, if you are selling a product that teaches people how to repair their own credit, one of your letters might include information on how the credit bureaus determine your credit propecia discounts score. You may say, “Did you know that 20% of your credit score is determined by how long you have had credit extended to you? This means, that if you close out a credit card that you have had for many years, it will affect your score much more than if you closed out a credit card that you only opened recently. This is only one of four major factors that determine Kamagra Soft your credit score.” You might then segue into how many people do things like close out credit cards thinking it will help their score, only to hurt it. The implication is that what they don’t know can hurt them, which is certainly true.

Now you can do a heavy-handed sale at this point, by saying, “You can learn more in my ebook, 10 Steps to Improving Your Credit.” A softer way is to put a reminder about your product in a PS or in your signature block. You’re going to be sending out seven or more of these plus broadcast messages along the way. You don’t have to be overbearing; you do have to remind people that you have something they need. I like to make every other email a pure content email. My signature block always has the website URL in it, but that is the only reminder that I am selling something in my content emails. Other marketers will do a harder sell.

You have to find the balance that is right for you.

Some marketers will sell in every email. The first email may have a very soft sell, the second a harder sales message and the third will have a strong call to action. Then they’ll repeat the sequence – soft, harder, strong. I like to have some letters with no sales pitch whatsoever just because I hate being pitched at all the time. I figure most of my list is like me. If you don’t mind an aggressive sales pitch and your list responds to that kind of message, then go for it.

Do remember when you are writing your autoresponder letters that you want to use words that will resonate with your prospect. They have searched on certain words to find you; use those keywords in your letters. It’s a subliminal reminder that you have what they are looking for.

As I said earlier most people buy somewhere between the fourth and seventh contact. If you run your autoresponder to 10 or 12 letters, you will pick up more sales over time with very little extra effort.

The fortune is in the follow up. Using your autoresponder to its full advantage will make the follow up easy. Using common sense will keep your list from being insulted or overwhelmed by your sales efforts.

Author Bio: Barbara Grassey is a professional writer and speaker. She produces information products for many of the top national speakers as well as for herself. For a free DVD on how to Create Information Products Fast (and to get No prescription cialis her Tip of the Week) go to http://www.InformationProductFastTrack.com

Category: Marketing
Keywords: marketing, hard sell, follow up, autoresponders, sales efforts

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