How Telecommunications And Geospatial Solutions Will Shape The Future

What will this world become if telecommunications and geospatial solutions continue on their current path? What will happen to human society when communicating with one another makes concerns over physical location irrelevant? Our tribal instincts make us band together, and the ease of communicating today makes this instinct even more pronounced, until communication becomes so simple, we no longer can be separate.

The human species has a tribal instinct. We naturally want to congregate and work together to survive. We naturally want to follow a leader, and even the leaders have their own ideas or even figures of their own that they follow. When we put our heads together, we think alike. When we play different tribes off each other, we benefit by learning from their mistakes and gradually broaden our means to grow and interact.

Long distance conference calls used to be, at one time, disembodied voices and pauses between speakers as the information was relayed; sometimes minutes for each line in a conversation from Montreal to Auckland. Then the pauses got shorter and disappeared. Then the voices began to have faces. People in Montreal could now feel like they were actually looking at people from Auckland.

The next step, obviously, is to improve communication so much, that people everywhere, not just in offices, can communicate as if they are in the same room. There will be no more need to place importance on where a person is located physically on the globe. Instantly exchange ideas with people from all over, all while sitting on a chairlift in Whistler, or crouched in an alleyway in Toronto. Soon after that, it will become so commonplace that people from all over the globe might as well be in the same room.

This is all happening now, of course. But when even larger amounts of data can be sent even quicker, it will make this possible on an ever-growing scale. The faster and quicker we can communicate the most information, the larger those new groups that require no physical space of their own will grow.

If left long enough, there will only be a select number of groups of people on the planet, all communicating with each other so fast and so effectively, they all think alike when seen on the scale of the groups themselves. They are still individuals of course, but their thinking is nuanced exactly the same. The groups gain their own characteristics that play off other groups, until they each merge with each other or drive each other away to grow and increase within themselves.

What will become of the physical space of the planet’s surface after it no longer needs to be divided up by human tribes? It becomes covered with the physical means to sustain humans so they can communicate virtually. It becomes, when viewed from a large enough perspective, like a few bodies for the groups themselves.

We will have created them ourselves from the materials in the planet.

The ultimate future of telecommunications and geospatial solutions is humans becoming more and more a part of something that is always getting larger.

Author Bio: Canadian Corporate provides leading location content and software solutions. Location intelligence includes: address validation, address database, geocoding software, postal code map, neighbourhood maps, address validation and spatial data.

Category: Computers/Information Technology
Keywords: geospatial solutions,telecommunications,communication,geospatial,future,location intelligence

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