Your Guide To Jewish Jewelry Gifts

There is a vast variety of geometric shapes and forms which define Jewish jewelry. Most Jewish jewelry is unique in design and holds much religious significance and symbolic meaning. These beautiful pieces of jewelry, including the Jewish Manorah and the Hamsa hand, have served as symbols for Jewish families for thousands of years, helping to ensure that their traditions and history are kept alive.

The Jewish Menorah is a Jewish artifact of much significance and has been celebrated for over 2,000 years. As the official emblem for Israel, the Menorah has a long and illustrious ancient history. The geometrical shape of the Menorah, Kamagra jelly a 7-pronged candelabra, was first revealed to Moses while on Mt. Sinai. Years later, golden Menorahs were shining in the Temple, standing tall and lighting the chambers. This shape frequently is used within Jewish jewelry.

The Menuzah is another Jewish artifact with much history. It is believed that the Menuzah will protect the home and all of its inhabitants. A piece of Hebrew parchment paper, the Menuzah is stored inside a decorative case and attached to the door frame of a Jewish home. Menuzahs are frequently given as gifts at housewarming parties, especially since they are small in size and personal.

There are other Jewish symbols which are also considered to be jewelry. The Hasma hand, Solomon Seal, and Star of David are all articles of jewelry which hold symbolic meaning. Additionally, these items are frequently made from precious metals, including Sterling Silver, Pewter, and gold.

Geometric shapes form important Jewish symbols. For example, the Star of David, a Hexagram, is representative of David, who was a ruler of Israel. The six-pointed star that was the emblem of his house reflects where Heaven meets Earth. It also appears on the flag of Israel.

When looking for Jewish jewelry gifts, tradition holds that jewelry reflective of the history of Judaism and Israel. The various geometric shapes and emblems that have meaning and symbolism within the culture and religious beliefs for Jewish families are frequently represented within beautiful pieces of jewelry that may be gifted. These pieces are ripe with cultural meaning and history, making them personal and thoughtful gifts for the recipient.

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