Beasts In Your Guts

Oddly enough, there really is that certain types of beasts in your guts. Intestinal bacteria of all kinds make their home in the colon, helping to break down the waste and contribute to the fermentation of undigested food. Not a problem as long as they stay in the colon and as a type not endogamous other class and create an imbalance.

The most common problem with beasts of the intestine is the unfriendly “type, called Candida albicans, becomes dominant and kills the” friends “such as Lactobacillus acidophilus and Bifidobacterium bifidum. Candida albicans can also arise in the small intestine where inappropriate food ferments and creates chemicals that can cause intestinal spasms. The wall of the small intestine can become bored and partially digested food can escape the blood stream, where the immune system tries to destroy them. The immune system activated to respond to these products and the holder of the gut can become sensitive to certain foods.

Why Bacteria on the rampage like viagra 100mg this?

Well, the easiest way to alter the intestinal flora is to eat lots of refined sugar and drink lots of coffee and alcohol, all of which harmful bacteria love to feed. Another common cause is constipation, when the peristaltic wave action that should propel food along the digestive tract is ineffective, and waste sit around putrefaction in the gut. Moreover, if the production of digestive juices from the stomach, liver and pancreas is weak, the bacteria seize the opportunity to get out of hand. If the immune system is working well will remain hostile to the invaders under control, but when the immune system is under par they have a chance to spread, unchecked.

What can be done to rebalance your gut bugs?

Avoid refined sugar, coffee and alcohol

Resolve constipation by drinking plenty of water and use of bulking agents such as flaxseed or psyllium husks, or gentle laxatives, such as the complex of herbs in tablet form as Frangula.

Keep your digestive juices flowing by chewing food thoroughly and not running while you eat. Increases digestive power taking bitter herbs in tincture form, as Centaury before meals.

Use concentrated serum to restore a good environment for friendly bacteria.

Whey concentrate has a positive effect on the intestinal flora, contributing not only to reduce harmful bacteria, but also the establishment of an enabling environment for the growth of friendly bacteria. It is not enough to eliminate the bad, and also feed the good guys or not survive. If you are taking supplements of beneficial bacteria such as acidophilus, buttermilk, concentrated milk can be taken together to ensure their survival.

Swiss naturopath Alfred Vogel, who had studied the history of the Swiss Serum Cures for by the rich and famous throughout Europe, he created his own brand of whey concentrate, Molko. Whey contains all the mineral nutrients of milk fat and protein, and has an excellent reputation in the treatment of obesity, bowel problems, bloating, and disturbed intestinal bacteria. It contains natural lactic acid, which allows it to regulate digestion, acid stomach, pancreas, adjust the action and reducing the tendency to constipation.

Alfred Vogel wrote “Molkas regulates the secretion of gastric acid, reduce the excess acid and increases its amount when there is a lack of it … The milk enzymes stimulate the pancreas … A little patience is needed, but after several weeks a positive change for the better care. ”

Take serum concentrated fruit juice without sugar, like apple or pineapple juice, 1 teaspoon of diluting the concentrated serum in a glass of juice. This can be taken once or twice a day for all digestive disorders mentioned above. You can even boost your immune system.

In Switzerland, farmers in the cantons of the Alps used to use the excess Tadacip whey cheese-making to feed their pigs, and realized that the animals grew pink and healthy in it. It began to use themselves, worried about keeping keynote pig! This was the beginning of the famous’ Swiss Serum Cures “, where guests came to village inns in the canton of Appenzell to bathe in the baths of whey. To date, the serum used for making the Molkas milk produced Brand Levitra by cows that graze freely on the upper slopes of the Swiss mountains. Vogel realized that herbs and grasses of mountain meadows gave milk containing nutrient-rich, they could be transmitted to their patients the form of this special concentrated serum.

Author Bio: One of the best natural Colon Cleanse Product that has received tremendous response from the users is available online.

Category: Health/Medicine
Keywords: colon cleanse, colon, colon cleansing

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