Important Points to Consider in Essay Writing

When you go to college, you have you write an essay before long. An essay is sometimes called Position Paper, because although you are quoting from other sources to construct your argument, in essence you as the author of the essay are presenting your point of view on the subject.

An essay usually has a thesis statement which is basically your perspective in nutshell on the subject, the rest of the essay is takes either of the two approaches for discussing it, that argumentative or explanatory. The chief aim of the essay is to persuade the reader of
view point.

An essay is commonly a short piece of writing, often between five hundred and five thousand words. Undergraduate essays are mostly under five and fifteen hundred word long, the length depending on the subject of the essay, and the experience of the author. If the essay title is set by your professor it will probably be like u think “what do you think about…, why do you think…, what is your opinion…” on a particular subject, book, phrase or social phenomenon.

Before writing an essay, do make sure that you understand what you are being asked then decide what your opinion on the subject might be. To make your position clear, and to let people know what stance you are taking on the subject right from the beginning, you need to form your thesis statement. If for example you have been asked as to why do you think why more than fifty percent people in America are obese, your thesis statement might read as follows: More than fifty percent of Americans are obese because they consume too much saturated fat.

You might even write that more than fifty percent of American population is obese due to the sedentary lifestyle of the people or whatever you think is the reason.

Once you have the mentioned the thesis statement you need to discuss the question and while doing so try to persuade the reader about your outlook an take the same stance themselves. Surely if your thesis statement is strong enough with a central idea it is easier to easier to promote your standpoint and elaborate it in the body of the essay.

First you need to furnish the reader with figures and evidence that most Americans are obese, then provide evidence for your whatever you claim is to be the reason. Silagra It is not necessary that everyone agrees with your notion but if the thesis statement is strong and the evidence convincing then at least you have got them thinking about your subject.

An essay might either explain something to the reader, or argue a case for something etc. If you discover while writing the body that you are wandering or drifting away from the thesis statement then you would need to either amend your body or the thesis statement itself.

The thesis statement normally comes somewhere in the first paragraph or introduction of the essay. In the body you supply the evidence for it, followed by the conclusion.

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Category: Education
Keywords: term papers, term paper writing, term paper help

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